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  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 想申请读艺术(平面图形设计, 广告设计, 计算机图形设计, 或美术), 托福233(575), 作文4.0. 但没有这方面工作经验, 请教过来人如何申请申请那所大学较合适.
    --OCAD have a diploma program in graphic design, advertising, but not degree program,
    --York have degree program in design.
    which one is better?
    how about other u such as Queen, McMaster, WestOntario?
    • Only York and Alberta university can offer the degree of design.
      • How about OCAD (Ontario College of Art and design), they have the diploma program about graphic design, advertising, but seems they need toefl 237.还想问一下有否大学提供diploma可转degree?
        • 我也有此打算。另,你想申请的是本科还是研究生。本科有很多学校,研究生就少点。但也有10所左右(比较好的学校)。如果你需要这方面的资料,我可以给你些。
          • 以前没有这方面的工作和学习经历,master可能不行,但喜欢这方面,自觉有些灵感,就从本科读起吧,很需要这方面资料,很想和同路人互通信息,请email我, email见内!
            email: yubin55@hotmail.com
          • Hi! 我现在还在国内,学的就是平面设计(本科毕业)。我很希望能得到关于这方面的信息,包括本科或研究生的,谢谢!my email:wy_bict@yahoo.com.cn 另外请问,平面设计或网页设计在加的就业率怎样?
            • web page design may not easy to find a job due to the IT economy slow down. graphic design maybe ok since it can be connected to many fields. http://homer.aucc.ca/english/dcu/index.html
          • Hi, sunnydot, i had emailed you, but i got the delivery delay message, could you email me if you like thanks.
    • 这方面的就业机会如何?我弟弟在国内是搞平面设计的。我想让他过来读书,然后看能否在这里找到工作。
      • 什么专业的才能读这个专业的master?比如电脑或建筑可以吗?