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  • 工作学习 / IT杂谈 / how could I install DHCP & DNS server in my 2000? thanks.
    • push up & thanks.
      • DHCP 和DNS服务是W2K的服务组件,你在“控制面板”的“添加删除程序”里选“添加/删除WINDOS组件”,然后在“网络服务”里就可以选择“DNS服务”和“DHCP服务”了。安装后在"管理工具“菜单里会有相应的配置程序
        • thanks, since my platform is w2k Professional, maybe it doesn't provide such serives.
          • In that case, you might want to look into isc bind 8 for NT & 2000. Don't know if isc dhcp can run on NT or not.
            • great, that's really make sense to me. thanks a lot!
        • 请教:我在单机上装了WIN2K Server,一个Enther Link卡,系统总报告没插网线。这也罢了,为什麽PING自己也不通呢?和我设的其他地址都不通。结果IIS,DNS都跑不起来。而在NT下就可以。
          • under w2k professional environment, you really can't even PING to your self unless you plug the network cable into your NIC. anyway, it doesn't make any sense to run IIS, DHCP, etc if you are running standalone.
            • Will I be able to ping myself after plugging a cable? I want to run IIS and VAJ to learn some internet thing.
              • do you have any hub or another NIC on hand? if yes, just pluge your network cable into them to make a loop circuit.
                • I don't have a hub yet. I do have another NIC but I guess I need to install it in another PC to make a loop. Am I right? Thanks.
                  • you could try to install the second NIC in same PC and just fool the OS, since what you need is a electronic loop circuit to make the Ping packets bounce back.
                    • Thanks. I'll try. I'm really new in this field.
            • 谁说win2000一定要插cable才能ping127.0.0.1? 你没有网卡都可以,装一个microsoft loopback adapter就可以了。不要自己不懂还误导别人。
              • so what is loop adapter? stupid guy. since he have another NIC, so either install NIC or lopback adapter then should be ok. and there is lots of another approaches you don't know.
                • Hey, I think checkme is right. another choice is VMWare. VMWare and MS loop adpter are softwares. But VMWare is not free.
                  • interesting, if you could short-cut pins 1,2 and 3,6. then it will work with no doubt. anyway, you're running too far away from the point! we just help and share with each other rather than showing off ourself.
                    • 我从NT4.0开始就不用网卡学IIS,WIN2000一样。microsoft loopback adapter是一种用来模拟网卡的程序,你添加硬件的时候在网络试配器里选MICROSOFT看看就知道了。
                    • Glad to hear you say so. People here are helping each other. It's no sensible to show off. If I have choice between face and help, I'd choose the later. :)
                    • 你不要知道一点不知道一点就在这里胡说,装个IIS还要HUB?我的天那!!!!!!
                    • Thanks a lot, everyone! I've learnt many things from your posts. Checkme, I've read many posts of yours and respect your straight forward way.
                      But if we can talk more comfortably about technical issues, more people would be willing to share their knowledge with others. Do you think so?
                      • 也许,不过他实在是错的太离谱我才指出来的。我说他误导你我认为一点也没有说错。至于其他的嘛,人总有点毛病的。
                    • Hi, can you find MS loopback adpter in Win2k? It seems it is not available in Win2k anymore! HoHoHo!!!
                      • Do you want to see the screenshoot?
                        • Oh, It is still there. unbelievable! :P
                          • even XP has it
      • 工作找得如何了,风?
        • so far so bad.
          • From what you say, I know the reason.
            • just did a quick looking up on your previous notes, seems like to me you are not only stupid but rather provocative.
              • What part of mine is wrong? I never use the word "stupid" but I have to say you are really stupid guy. I tried this in my laptop and desktop. Both of them works with a nic card without a cable connected.
              • You still do not understand what the "microsoft loopback adapter" is ,do you?
              • Hey, stop hurting each other. It is better to lose face here than to lose on interview. I gain a lot from both of you. Thanks! Why don't be friendly?