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  • 工作学习 / IT杂谈 / 斑竹:我从事前台Delphi后台SQL Server的程序开发,不知道到了加拿大是否容易找工作。。
    • you can visit www.workopolis.com and find some career information
    • Delphi的工作比较少见,senior程序员一般在50K以上。
      • The issue is that you don't have any opportunity to be a Delphi programmer, senior or junior. Be sure to learn something new.
    • Forget about Delphi and learn something new.
      • could you give me any suggestions?thanks a lot!i dont know which language i should convert to!
        • You will know what to do if you browse this forum for 4 hours ...
          Since you are a programmer, I cannot tell you what to do. A mature programmer should be self-motivated and be able to control his own career. Hope you can choose a direction after you know what people are talking about in this forum, Roughly speaking, I can list some still interesting directions: Java, C++, Oracle, DB2, XML, .......
          Good luck.
    • target your searching in that area in most JOB website of Canada. You may find something you want, what you should do is solid your experience as much as you can.