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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / egg, 你到底写不写面试经历了?我们是继续等呢还是放弃算了?:)
    • Poor Egg!
      • 谁让一个大男人说话不算数的呢。当然没人可以逼他写,他也不欠别人的。这是一个男的活到这份上没劲死了。小气抠门外加说话不算数,真够可以的。
        • 小气抠门 because he has a family to support. 说话不算数 because he is busy with making money to support his family. I'm sure u can understand him.
        • 兴之所至,随口承诺,是不谨慎;不过,在说偏激的话之前,先问一下自己:你我能做到兑现所有的许诺吗?接受帮助的人大骂帮助他的人NOT ENOUGH,攻击他的人品,实在也无趣。
          • I have the same feeling. //hand.
            • 为什么你有same feeling的帖子就可以帖在这里,而我有不同feeling的帖子就被删掉??
        • Sir, why you force other person only because once he mentioned something? Please don't ask too much from others. If we'd like people to contribute, start from ourselves please: do something constructive. :-)
          • 拜托,你眼镜坏啦?我已经说过没人可以逼他了。你没看到吗。我就是不喜欢说话不算数的人。尤其是男人!
            • who cares you like him or not?
          • Nobody force him. If he did not want to do, just say " I do not want to write", but what he did does not like a man!
      • Why you are still on ROLIA during working hours? So.....Brave!
    • 说句实话,我觉得EGG能这么快找到工作的不是他面试的如何如何好,而是他有足够硬的经验/证书。如果你没有大把的ibm的证书,即便你读到了他洋洋5千言的经理也没有用。
      • 没有人指着他的面试经历找工作。他聪明,别人也都不傻。说的是这个事。少玩会,写一点又怎么了,更何况是他自己先提出要写的。
      • 呵呵,可怜的EGG
      • If IBM let him go after he worked for more than 1 year, he should not be as COOL as you said. As far as I know, IBM toronto LAB did not laid off a lot of people, even some contractor are still there.
        • If I was not doing very well, do you think they could keep me and extended my contract twice and my manager was planning to extend it for another 6 months? As I know, most contractors left, as per IBM worldwide policy.
          • if you are very good, they already transfered you from contractor to regular staff.
            • This usually happened when the 2 year limitation of contract is coming. There is another contractor in my team who joined 6 months earlier than me got the opportunity.
              If I could get another 6-month extension, this should have been for sure, my manager and teamleader told me about this. Acutually, they did submit a report to the high level management for my case, but got rejected, the reason is "No exception". Perhaps some other managers were more capable to handle this kind of situation and could keep their guy(very very few, as far as I know), but my manager himself just got promoted for 8 months, I think he had done his best for me.
              Another point is, I don't have to prove my skill to you or anybody else, I got hired within one month, this is the answer.
        • Although IBM hasn't anounced any major layoff of their permanent employees yet, they have cut back on contract renewals.
          No new contractors will be hired this year and most of old contractors won't get their contracts renewed. It's the company policy, has nothing to do with egg's ability.
      • 你们说的EGG,是在IBM CANADA工作过的那个EGG吗?还真得谢谢他,几个月前,好像在这儿讨论过IBM是不是最大的IT公司。EGG离开了IBM吗?也被LAID OFF?
        如果是LAID OFF,那他找工作是很容易的,不是因为他的技术能力,也不是因为他的多少证书,最主要的原因是“他曾在IBM CANADA工作过”。所以,他的找工经验对新移民是不适用的。请大家客观,理性地看待别人和别人的话。
        • Really?
    • 好了好了, 你的意思我已经完全明白了, 我知道错了, 等我这阵儿的摄影发烧退了就好了.
      • 别老糟蹋咱们加拿大美丽的自然风光
      • Egg, 你还不如不写算了。没有必要为了别人的想法活着,累不累?
        • 虽然我不赞成穷追猛打EGG(看在小EGG的份上),但是EGG男子汉大丈夫一言九鼎,既然自己主动说过的话,还是应该做到。这说到底还是个信用问题。
          • Man, Egg didn't promise anything. He only MENTIONED something. Did you complete EVERYTHING you mentioned? Think about it.
            • Egglinton有时候就象个小丑。他喜欢的,他到处贴,他老婆生孩子那篇,我在好多站上都看看到了,不是转贴,是他自己的名字。最好笑的是,好多论坛根本就没人理他。他自己还把自己当回事。
              • 你说的没错,我很把我自己当回事. 你还没有小孩吧, 你对初当父母的喜悦还没有体会, 这怪不得你.
                • haha, egg is a lovely guy, cute guy.
                • egg的心理素质真不错啊,要当公众人物没这不行啊。看看今天钱齐森也被人贬一通,take it easy.
                • 得了吧.也没见你怎么样多照顾一下老婆孩子, 就知道一天到晚在这儿出风头.
                • 这几天,有个Gues对谁都不顺眼, 随便你怎么做他都看不惯, 我给他骂的都快不行了。所以Egg你不要往心里去, 想写就写, 不想些就算了。
            • 请教SAILOR,什么样的算PROMISE?
          • Hi, crap, use a name first!
            • 好象没有规定一定要改个名字吧。
      • Hi, Egg, forget it! Things change. Why bother benefiting people who don't really appreciate? Don't do anything under pressure. You want to do it, do it. You don't want to do it, forget it!
    • 作为在ROLIA上经常逛的,实在难以用注册名讲这件事。EGG的做法也不过是生气;GUEST的做法只是实在看不过。我提一句:大家忘了这事儿怎样?等EGG缓过气儿来可能就会贴了。GUEST也搁不住生气。
    • dian xing de xiao ren!
    • egg的朋友可真算为egg两肋插刀的。有人炮轰egg,一群人前仆后继地上来挡炮弹。怪不得egg悠哉闲哉的,有句话是说,皇帝不急,太监急啊。
      • 你的用词非常刻薄,可见心情不是很好。我不是他们朋友,从来不参与他们FB活动,但是对于egg印象还不错,
        对于他对家庭,小孩的自豪,负责觉得非常真实,换了我有自己小孩也会同样兴奋快乐。请记住任何人没有义务帮助你。Egg写活不写面试经过完全是his自由,如果我是他,到现在为止看见你们此类态度,用词,绝对不会写!!!! 没有必要吃力不讨好。在这里没有人帮助你是正常的,若有人给你信息,要学会感恩。千万不能有依赖心情或是"霸马硬上弓"。我曾经也遭到斑主的删贴,但是就事论事,实事求是think: 你们的态度太不讲道理,写与不写都是他的自由。
        • 你别胡乱讲,小人之心。我从来不关心啥求职经验,人家愿意怎么做是人家的事。我对egg印象也可以。只是我不明白那么一圈朋友见义勇为奋不顾身地护主是啥意思?

      • 我曾比喻过---吃SHI的把屙SHI的估倒, 凭啥喊贴就贴?就算反悔又那个那个啥啦?