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  • 工作学习 / IT杂谈 / Help needed in Installing WebSphere
    Dear friends,

    I have some problems with installing WebSphere, your help will be much appreciated.

    My computer has memery 256m. I succeeded

    in starting HTTP server and establishing DB2.

    But WS AdminServer is not started due to

    "internal Windows or internal services"

    problems. What is the solution?

    • Your username and password cannot have more than 8 characters. The default "administrator" does not work.
      • Many thanks. It turns out that the DB2 FixPak I used (FP1) is not good enough, after switching on FP6, WS works.
    • If you log in as "john" or "deberah",
      you must have been granted adminsitrator privilige. IF you do all these at a windows workstation in your company's network, you cannot succeed in installing webpshere because you have no adminisitrator's privilege. Basically, you need keep security and accesse control in mind.

      Good luck.