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  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 请教: \"trade off\"是什么意思?
    • Usually it means "sell out"
      • Thank you.
      • 不懂不要乱说.
        • I think he just tried to help friends here. So.... Anyhow, everybody knows the correct answer now.
    • trade-off是一个经济学的术语。“A trade-off is a constraint that entails giving up one thing to get something else.“ 通常这个概念和opportunity cost联系在一起。我把它理解为一种“两难情况下的取舍选择”。^_^
      • Thank you. Very professional
      • haha, there follows another question: what's the difference between trade-off and trade-in? from your explanation, i guess they are the same thing. thanks!
        one more question: what is "money advance". thanks again.
        • trade-in和trade-off不是一个意思。在我的习题中,trade-in是这样出现的:某公司打算采购一台新设备,要花x元,同时还有一台旧设备还值y元,这时候往往会说旧设备的trade-in price是y元。money advance不知道,也许要放到具体语境中。
      • I think "trade sth. off" is different from "trade-off".
        trade sth. off means 以...换取,以...抵消 v. For example: The government hopes to retain its popularity by trade off rising unempoyment against the fall in inflation.

        trade-off means 权衡、协调 n. For example: In order to keep prices low, there has to be a trade-off between quality and quantity.
    • trade-off不是专门术语,“折中(衷?)的方法”。
      • 呵呵,术语是相对的。如果你经常用到,对你来说,就不算术语啦。:P
    • (经济)物物交换,权衡利弊,权衡法,权衡抉择,卖掉 其它还可做“ 权衡,折衷,折衷方案”
    • 简言之,“有得必有失“关系中的”失“。
      • 简洁、静僻!!
    • 是"取舍"的意思, 以前听微软的MSF讲座, 记得有一张powerpoint就写着"trade off", 是说在项目的开始一定要取舍系统功能.