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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 各位新年好,小弟有一道难题,急盼各位解答: 小弟大学毕业后,户口落在**市,在**市的++公司干了一年,之后的n年,在深圳工作。 如今++公司已不存在。 我的++公司推荐信怎么办呢? 若只写在深圳的推荐信,会否引起怀疑呢? 因为我的户口在**。
    • reply
      1, The visa officer doesn't care your Hukou.

      2, You may ask your previous supervisor in ++ company to write a reference letter for you. Only for the purpose of proving your work experience and performance in that company.

      3, Try to provide one reference letter for each company you've been working with.

      4, Good luck.
      • But the letter paper with the letterhead for ++ company can't be found. How can I do?