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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 英语!英语!英语!、、、、、、英语==工作!(面试失败!)
    过了五关,斩了六将,先是笔试,后是操作,最后直面Boss(女),开口还没到三句就有了结果: I am very sorry, we need a person in fluent English, see you...

    • take it easy, guys. anyway you are lucky to got a interview somehow.
      • if they really want u, they won't care much about your english.
        • I though so before. but now... an junior VB/C++builder programmer, and It's a very small company. I see there were more than 100 Resume in the boss's desk.
        • Sorry. My English!---- I saw there were more than 100 Resumes on the boss's desk.
      • thank you. I will keep trying.
    • I guess you need to find more chances for interview while you need to study English very hard.
      • Thank you for your advice and encouragement.