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  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 虚心讨教:在TORONTO OR MONTREAL要穿棉袜或羊毛袜吗?
    • Yes. So cold this winter.
      • Sailor, did you brought a XUEXU and YUZHONGFU to Canada? Can you buy these in Shantou? I am worried about whether I should buy them in the northern China or not.
        • Please buy it after your landing. I couldn't find suitable winter clothings in Swatow.
          • Swatow???这个词也很新鲜,居然还真有,怪怪,呵呵......多伦多的冬季用品应该比国内的质量好,价格也不会太贵吧?例如皮靴,手套,厚外套,帽子???水手介绍则个,thank you.
            • I bought the cheapest ones, about $100 totally for those four you mentioned. btw, Swatow is Shantou.
              • Sailor,should I buy leather coat and "sanqianyangmaoneiyi" in swatow?
      • Sailor,do you buy your wool socks in Swatow or in Toronto?
    • cotton socks are damned cheap at Walmart or Zellers. Don't bother bringing too many pairs.
      • Sailor, what kind of soprts do you enjoy in Toronto? Jogging or batting? How much for palying badminton/tennis/table tennis at your side?
        • tennis courts can be found in each residential area, always free.