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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 请问哪里能找到北京申请表的电子版,从上个 世纪就开始找,找到新世纪还是没找到,谁能 给俺指一条明路,手写真的写不好,打使馆领的表要用旧打字机,也不好找55
    • try searching '申请表格' in the forums. it may help. or, u can download it from the cic.gc.ca.
      • 多谢,我去找找看:)
    • 我这里有电子表不过我是向香港领事馆申请的我不知道您说的电子表北京和香港有无区别如果您想要请email: dbwbh@yeah.net
      • 北京的表与香港好象有很多不同,你为何在 香港递表呢,不是说香港慢吗?
        • Is there any difference between the electrail version of the IMM0008 of BJ and that of HK? I doubt? Please confirm. Urgent!
          • 我用在北京领的表与香港使馆的下载表比较了 一下确实有很大不同,连排序都不一样,checklist 也差很多
            • Who has the electrical version of IMM0008 for Beijing(not for HK)? Could you send me a copy to maybach@sina.com? Thanks a lot!
              • sorry,i have not found the electrical version of imm008 for beijing. now i decide to fill it with pen~
              • you can download it from the official website of canada embassy, http://www.cic.gc.ca, it's easy and do research on it before ask others
                • Sealand, I do downloaded IMM0008 and IMM5406 from this website. But is it for BJ embassy? Because I wanna submit it in Beijing. I am afraid it is for HK or somewhere else. (comin for detail if you are interested)
                  I also searched www.canana.org.cn. They don't provide form download service at present.
                  • click for the answer
                    I searched for the application form on http://www.cic.gc.ca, steps are: English->Immigrants->Immigrating to Canada->Independent Class Immigration->Application Kit, Independent Immigration Class->General Instruction is same whereever you submit your forms, however section 3 which include checklist is different according to different area you submit. see bottom of this page. You should select Asia Pacific, Beijing China.
                    • First is "General Instruction", Second is "The Forms" which said could be used by all applicants. So don't worry, just use it.
                      • You should prepare all your documents according to the checklist! And if you have other questions, go ahead and better email me, I will reply you asap.
    • www.canada.org.cn
    • 北京11月拿的表是94-06版,12月是2000-9版,我想还是到 www.cic.gc.ca上下载算了