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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 这是我帮LG写的Cover letter, 七拼八凑的没什么把握, 能帮我们修改一下吗?十分感谢.
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Rm.105 No.-24-2 Tong Guang Lane
    Long Li Road
    The People's Republic of China

    September 20, 2001

    The Canadian Embassy
    19 Dong Zhi Men Wai Dajie
    Chao Yang District
    Beijing 100600
    The People's Republic of China

    Dear Sir or Madam:

    I am a programmer and applying Canada independent immigration with my wife. Canada appeals to me us most, not only her fresh air, good living conditions or perfect welfare system, but also her advanced high technology and free personal development space. This to us is most important and I think this decision must change our whole life.

    The high interests in computer technology drive me to choose Computer Science in my university study and my career to engage. The 4 years' academic background and 2 years’ professional experience for the big famous software company equips me with the precise qualifications as a programmer. I think my major and my skill are exactly conforming to the needs of the Canada society and benefit to Canada, as well as making me a better personal future.

    Enclosed, please find
    · Fee Payment receipt
    · Checklist
    · Self-Assessment Worksheet.
    · Imm0008 form, family composition form and Education & Employment form for my wife and me ? I
    · Resume
    · Detailed professional experience chopped with the company’s official seal
    · Reference letter chopped with the company’s official seal
    · Photos related to my previous job at Vanda.
    · Information about the Vanda Corporation.
    · Explanation letter about my current job status
    · Certificate about the wrong birthday on my Bachelor’s diploma and degree certificates
    · Copy of Hukou for my wife and I and all immediate family members
    · Copy of ID card for my wife and I
    · Notarization of Birth, Marriage status, Bachelor’s degree and diploma for my wife and I
    · Notarized certificates of no criminal conviction records for my wife and I
    · 8 photos of my wife and I
    · Mailing labels with both English and Chinese

    PS:(Proof of funds and school transcripts will be handed in later when I come back to my school and get it)

    Thank you very much to deal with my application.

    Best regards
    ??更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • First, please change\" This to us is\" to \"These are....for us.\". Then you must add \"s\" or \"ed\" to the verb if the subject need.
    • It is no need to write cover letter.
      • Really?
        • 按照你准备的材料在CHECKLIST上画圈就行了,其他的什么都不用写。
          • 我觉得有COVER LETTER非常重要,但不应该列文件清单。主要目的是用COVER LETTER把你的优势列出来,把签证官可能面试你的理由解释清楚,你就有可能获得免面试。
            • 我也没写过这玩艺儿。也没有面试过。其实好多东西都是人吓人吓出来的。而且多烧一柱香,菩萨不怪嘛。
            • 照您这样说Cover Letter和resume不是差不多了?那么您认为的优势是什么,工作背景,学历还是其他?
              • cover letter 和 resume 还是不一样的。有个 cover letter 显得正式一点,而已。
                • 我是这样想的:签证官每天面对的是一堆枯燥数字——某年某月你干过什么。如果你能把自己的成就写在COVER LETTER里面,等于把自己突出出来了。不能指望通过申请表(类似RESUME)告诉签证官你是人才。
                  • 签证官又不是公司的老板,才不管你是不是人才。他有条条框框,把你放到模子里去套而已。我说了,cover letter就是让你的申请显得正式一点而已。不是他的条条框框要求的。
              • 每个人情况不一样,实在不好说,不过总的原则应该让签证官感觉你是人才,可以很快适应加拿大的工作和生活。你捉摸捉摸签证申请表上的路数,移民官到底关心你的哪些方面。
    • a very rough modification only
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛My wife and me, a programmer, here with apply Canada independent immigration. Canada appeals to me the most not only because of the fresh air, good living conditions and perfect welfare system, but also advanced high technology and free personal development posibilities. All these are most important to us and we think the decision we make today must change our life forever.

      The high interests in computer technology drive me to choose Computer Science as on-going to pursue for both university education and career. Four years' academic background and two years’ professional experience for a big software company equip me with precise qualifications as a programmer. I think my major and my skills are exactly conforming to the needs of Canada society and benefit to Canada,

      Enclosed, please find
      · Fee Payment receipt
      · Checklist
      · Self-Assessment Worksheet.
      · Imm0008 form, family composition form and Education & Employment form for my wife and me ? I
      · Resume
      · Detailed professional experience chopped with the company’s official seal
      · Reference letter chopped with the company’s official seal
      · Photos related to my previous job at Vanda.
      · Information about the Vanda Corporation.
      · Explanation letter about my current job status
      · Certificate about the wrong birthday on my Bachelor’s diploma and degree certificates
      · Copy of Hukou for my wife and I and all immediate family members
      · Copy of ID card for my wife and I
      · Notarization of Birth, Marriage status, Bachelor’s degree and diploma for my wife and I
      · Notarized certificates of no criminal conviction records for my wife and I
      · 8 photos of my wife and I
      · Mailing labels with both English and Chinese

      PS:(Proof of funds and school transcripts will be handed in later when I come back to my school and get it)

      Thank you very much.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 改得不错,但这个cover letter 怎么看上去象申请工作,不象申请移民。
    • It's very good. I think..
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Rm.105 No.-24-2 Tong Guang Lane
      Long Li Road
      The People's Republic of China

      September 20, 2001

      The Canadian Embassy
      19 Dong Zhi Men Wai Dajie
      Chao Yang District
      Beijing 100600
      The People's Republic of China

      Dear immigration officer:

      [ This first paragraph is well written, a little emotion reads very good to me ]

      I am a programmer and applying Canadian independent immigration together with my wife. Canada appeals to us the most, not only her fresh air, good living conditions or perfect welfare system, but also her advanced high technology and free personal development space. These to us are most important factors, and we believe the decision will change our life.

      [ I only changed the grammar below, would suggest you to rewrite, don’t be so sure of what Canada needs, emphasize on what you can contribute to the society and your family development. No need to give a bio about how and why you choose to study computer. 2-year experience is a foundation, if you have a name for the company mention it. ]

      My great interest in computer technology drove me to choose Computer Science in my university study and my career to engage. The 4-year academic background and 2-year professional experience for a large well-known software company has equipped me with the exact qualifications as a programmer. I think my major and my skill conform to the needs of the Canada society and benefit to Canada, as well as provides us a better future.

      [ Please number your enclosure with numbered list, imagine how much work you can save for the officer ]

      Enclosed, please find
      · Fee Payment receipt
      · Checklist
      · Self-Assessment Worksheet.
      · Imm0008 form, family composition form and Education & Employment form for my wife and me ? I
      · Resume
      · Detailed professional experience chopped with the company’s official seal
      · Reference letter chopped with the company’s official seal
      · Photos related to my previous job at Vanda.
      · Information about the Vanda Corporation.
      · Explanation letter about my current job status
      · Certificate about the wrong birthday on my Bachelor’s diploma and degree certificates
      · Copy of Hukou for my wife and I and all immediate family members
      · Copy of ID card for my wife and I
      · Notarization of Birth, Marriage status, Bachelor’s degree and diploma for my wife and I
      · Notarized certificates of no criminal conviction records for my wife and I
      · 8 photos of my wife and I
      · Mailing labels with both English and Chinese

      Best regards

      PS:(Proof of funds and school transcripts will be handed in later when I come back to my school and get it)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 我是头一次听说有人写cover letter & resume。Checklist 里没要求啊?我只提供了checklist要求的东东,结果申请发出不到一个月就接到考雅丝通知。
      • Thanks a lot !! 我们下星期就准备发材料了(北京), 对在rolia得到的帮助真的是很感激. good luck to every one!