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  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 刚买了去洛杉矶度假的机票就发生了美国事件,现在想取消机票很有点麻烦,想请教一下有过取消机票经历的人该怎么办?
    • The news this week mentioned this problem.
      It seems that the refunding policy is varied from carriers and tranvel agencies. If you booked the tickets with Air Canada, chances of getting refund will be slim. You can try to negitiate to see if you can rearrange your trip in one year. It means you don't have to travel now but in one year you have to make the trip. If you are with aitrlines in states, you may be able to be partially refunded
    • 怕什么,现在查得严,连小剪刀都要托运.该坐还得坐啊.