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  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 我是国内的护士,来加有一年.今年九月刚开始读护理的复习课程.我觉得功课很难,不知道没有前辈或同行者可以share feeling 的.这样大家也可以一起进步. 另不知有没有人从Guelph开车到Hamilton去读书的, 我希望可以share gas.
    • 你在Guelph住了很久了吗?
    • Hmmm... terrible career, unless you have a college degree...
      • How come?
        • Can't get beyond assistant nurse, up to 25K, night shifts, worse than nanny. I did it for a night, never went back ...
          • Sounds terrible! Give us some details, please.
            • Oh, it was a Turkish lady, she just had an car accident, asked me to clean her, don't want to recall it again...
    • 到BC来吧。这里的护士正在要求38块的时薪,不给就罢工。
      • That's the college degreed nurses I was talking about..
        • oh, 我不知道底细。看护士牛得不行,差点动员老婆放弃PHD去当护士 :PP