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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 请问有经验的jjmm,怀孕的时候每天喝蜂蜜和柠檬饮料对小bb有无不好的影响。记得在国内时听说过蜂蜜对小孩不好。还有吃螃蟹可以吗?现在螃蟹可正肥呀。谢谢。
    • I only heard that honey maybe make your bb's head bigger than normal. Just "CHUAN SHUO".
      • How scary! Then I won't eat honey anymore. Thanks.
    • You can drink both of them,absolutely. It is said that honey can do no harm to fetus, however, it does have negtive impact on infant who do not has the ability to digest kind of bacteria that may be exsit in honney.
      • Cause I am not sure if I can digest it or not, I better don't eat it, right? How about crab? Thanks