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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 紧急求助:下周一有一次和AGENT 的面试,今天打的电话,并问了我薪水要求,以及招人的公司和职位,都告诉我了。 很紧张,请提供经验,谢谢!!
    • Believe Yourself! 凭实力,不凭经验。
      • 实力 和 经验 在你这有何不同吗
        • 我说的实力, 是你的专业水平;我说的经验,是面试的技巧。有实力是关键。
          • 但一般AGENT 是不问专业问题的吧
    • 有什么好紧张的?兵来将挡,水来土淹。镇定一点啦,反而对你有好处。agency 一般不会问你技术问题,所以要准备一些HR的常见问题。
      • 有什么特别或者难回答的问题吗,请给个提示,最好带答案
        • 你还当是应付考试啊?首先要对公司以及职务有相当的了解。然后,去图书官里找书把。
    • 不知道现在有过多少面试了?还有英语水平如何?工作了几个月后,有了一定的工作经历和在工作中常用的英语以后,如果我觉得让我现在去面试,肯定不会像以前那么紧张/前思后虑了,只会全心的去准备了。多准备准备吧,肯定不会错
      • 请教:IELC 和 CELC 的区别(通信问题)
        • don't know
    • did you got the position's description and requirements? if yes, record down your experience, qualifications as detail as possible according to those items, then try to do a rehearsale by youself again and again. and.
      1. Be confident. (sounds like easy, but it's very difficult)
      2. Speaking aloud and slowly.
      3. Basically, agencies are easy to handle, since you are their customer and product, and a mutual goal is among there. sell yourself out.
      4. Bear in mind, you are eagerly to find a job to earn wage, and so do them to sell you out to get commission.

      good luck.
    • It it is a good agent and is interested in you, RELAX. He/She will tell you how to handle the interview with employers, and even some rehearsal.