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  • 相约北美 / 定居入籍 / 急问:Goods to follow list中的行李是否必须是已购的物品? 比如我欲在下次返加前购买一台便携机,可否列在follow list中?如果查问到,是否可以告诉海关现在还没买?否则的话,在List中是否需要写明型号和价钱(我还不知道呢)?
    • in goods to follow list, model and serial number is a must for Elec-product.
    • 下次回到加拿大,还可免税?
      • Yeah. But the above conditions are a must.
    • Hi, please me and give me some advise. I have gotten immigration visa,but I don't know how to get the goods for following list. where can I get it?