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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 有谁做过 Telemarketing 的工作吗? 都干些什么呢? 不会只是坐在办公室里打打电话推销公司的产品这么简单吧?
    • It's that "simple", but not that easy, as I think.
      • 难在哪里呢? 我现在在打工,不算太累,当然工资也不高。有朋友推荐一个 Telemarking 的机会,不知道去不去呢?
        • 我估计基本工资也不高,应该有提成,难就在提成吧。
    • I once did part-time telemarketing for Weedman, a lawncare company, 6pm-9pm.
      We were given a list of phone numbers and had to keep calling. The point is that nobody likes telemarketers. Those people didn't want to talk to us. If you cannot get the job done, you feel pressured. We were paid $10/per hour plus bonus.
    • 估计不好做,你除了口语/听力要好外,还要脸皮厚,可粘
    • I am suffering a lot from those who do such kind of job. once I talked with a lady who was trying to sell me their service. she told me she had no salary and only got some commission on her sales.