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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 各位专家高手以及各位DX:小的这礼拜有一Help Desk类工作面试,烦请各位说说,可能会遇到什么技术问题(NT 管理为主)?另外Help Desk职位,一般Employer比较注重什么?先谢过了!
    • upupup, 不会没有人帮我吧?55555555555555555
    • Can you tell me what's help desk?
      • In very simple words, it's kind of like people call in and you answer their enquiries, question, etc. A lot of time spent on the phone. Help desk requires very good communication and customer service skills.
    • 1. English; 2. Problem solving skills; 3. Cutsomer-oriented.
    • Personality--Nice, Communication skills--No problem, Techniques--Not too familiar with:Configure box, Mail Server, Maybe Database, etc.
    • Use eye-contact if interviewer is opposite gender to you
    • 英语当然是最重要的,然后就是你介绍自己的背景应该尽量和你所应聘的公司的背景相同,像operating system, email, application, database,如果他们公司一共只有一个help desk,那time management很重要