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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 有一家叫 ICCT 的电脑公司,专门欺诈新移民,听说老板还是一个北京人,真是中国人中的败类,大家千万不要上他们的当。
    • 同意!!!!
    • 他都干什么了?为什么不说说?
      • 给职工的工资特低(~5CAD/H),做生意也不实在。还是不去好!
        • 那不是比最低的限度还低,是非法的。
          • 人家都做了好几年了,他们还在不断招工因为能长期做的人不多,过去他们是在星岛上登广告。
            • I am so curious that no one have ever complained anything to the goverment or leagel service about ICCT for years?
          • 的确是非法的,而且还赖工钱,我们已准备联系被他赖过工钱的人告他们
            • 到LABOR OF MINITRY 去投诉!劳工部会处理的,集体投诉更加能引起注意。要参加的举手! 注意:必须在6个月之内到MINISTRY OF LABOR 填表投诉才有效。MINISTRY OF LABOR 电话——
              Great Toronto Area: 416 326 7160. Scarborough office:416 314 5300, Add.: 2275 midland Ave.Unit 1. Intersection: midland & progress Ave. Markham office: 905 715 7020
      • 他们利用新移民急于找工作的心理,给付最低的工资,还赖工钱。
        • Once I do shopping , I got a saying from a white assistance: Do not like it? Don't buy it!
        • 而且还给很坏的REFERENCE,不如没有
      • 你再看看#192702这个帖子,就明白他们黑不黑了
        • zhaohy, 我给你EMAIL了,可是发不出,你有无别的EMAIL地址?
    • 是。我在他那里买电脑取货时,还被多要了50刀。老板好像是个PhD。
      • 学问做不了,就会动这个心眼
    • up
    • Really? I bought a LaserPrinter there ... nothing bad happen ... lowest price in GTA...
      • 他们的价格未必是最低的,因为有些夫妻店价格也不高。他们这样非法营业,我们最好还是不要去贪这种小便宜。你卖了没是当然好,如果质量有问题他们的脸色可不会那么好看。
        • ICCT put ad on computer paper. If they sell something bad or "fake", 可以连computer paper一起告!
          • 我不知道广告商怎么能对公司一些具体的经营行为负责?广告商只管发布广告,他们根本没有条件对商家的服务进行监督,也没有义务解决商业纠纷。就象你用图书馆的复印机
    • It is very difficult to opreate a company here and it is more difficult for a Chinese to operate a company. I will try my best to help them.
      You accept the pay rate before you go to work, why? Because it is a chance for a beginner and you will leave as soon as you find a better chance. But if they don't pay the agreed salary on time, you should suit them immideately. I' d like to see more posts here to share good experiences with Chinese businesses here and help them to survive this bad economic shape in North America. Sometimes they pay the lowest salary because their main customer segment put the price as their highest priority.
      Please understand that I am not arguring for the dishonest business behaviors. I just hope we can give a break to the struggling Chinese businesses here.
      • 这不同于一般的杀价,规定工资应该是高于6。75。你是否也在开这样的公司?
        • Not yet. If I were you, I would bring a suit against them as soon as I know they pay the wage lower than the minium instead of working there and complaining later.
          In this way, you can pretect yourself, your co-workers and help the company operate healthly.
          • 不是我,我知道他们的情况而已。
      • even they are difficult, they shouldn't make new immigrants even more difficult without paying them or asking them work for 9-10 hours a day without break!
    • 他们卖给我的Logitech鼠标是假的。
      • 你肯定贪便宜了, haha, HG!
        • HG是什么意思?
          • 活该 :(
        • 你是四川人吧?
    • This is a typical Chinese store. Don't pretent that you've never been shopping around in China. Personally I won't shop there a second time.
    • zhaohy, I would like to discuss how to file a claim in MINISTRY OF LABOR with you, would you please give me a usefull email address? I will send you details. the one you post in the forum is void.
    • 是的是的,他了解你,所以才敢把工钱压到5块。我去过一家,micro point,也是800元/月。很多人表示,即使白干也要这份工作经验/ 即使5元, 竞争也十分激烈,很多人去求这个职位.
    • 拖欠工钱是实在太缺德了.他们一般的理由是,我还得在你不在的时候,浪费时间去找别人.
    • I have been worked in Superidea computer store. The store is family store. Boss from shanghai. They give me just $5/hr!!!! And no weekend!!! Now I am student,but somebody give advice hit the boss !
    • I heard an indian guy got money and compensation from a bad computer store at Kenndey/Lowerence he worked for in Sept. 2001.