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  • 枫下拾英 / 心情随笔 / 今天好无聊,为了别人的一句话,为了好玩,把自己的情人介绍给了自己的老板(老板长的实在很丑),才发现原来犯了一个大错误.回家的路上,情绪糟糕,一个流浪汉的一句"HAPPY THANKS GIVING DAY"倒叫我愉快了很多.
    • So, u r female, your lover is male then, and your boss is a ugly female? just wan to make sure. :-)
      • You are smart.
        • so, why should u feel upset then? if he is just a man who is attacted by an ugly woman? well, if the woman has no other good quality.........forget about money! just keep smiling to life! :-)
    • 是我就跟流浪汉去过感恩解了。。。