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  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 请教,多伦多有没有什么仓库之类的地方能短期存东西的?想回国几个月,交着房租不划算,各位回国的DX的行李都是怎么处理的?
    • Leave your belongs to a friend home and buy somethings for your friend when you come back. If you can not find a friend, try to find one on rolia and pay him according to the rate of a warehouse :p
      • 不好意思把一大堆东西放到朋友家去,毕竟大家自己都有不少东西的
    • There's a kind of business call "storage service". You may find it from the yellow pages.
        • 打电话过去问了一下,价格都 差不多,不知道哪一家好一点,谁能推荐一下吗,谢谢