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  • 枫下拾英 / 心情随笔 / 不明白,大家为什么喜欢欺骗?而且觉得欺骗有理?~~~~~:(
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛偶觉得偶挺传统的,中国化的,不过看看国外,从小孩就开始教育,不要说谎!说谎是可耻的!这么说,无论中国的还是加拿大的,在这一点上应该是没有分歧的.






    传统道德观念告诉偶,欺骗是不好的,进而说是有理,就显得更奇怪了.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 人活一口气,树活一张皮
    • 中国学生
      • To David and other friends....
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1) Just an addendum to what you have presented. Actually, one American professor has ever told me: "If you look at their references, 90% of Chinese students are qualified for Nobel prize."

        2) Although I have been encouraging non-IT friends to learn something like Java and Oracle, and although I advocate it is necessary to decorate resumes, my baseline is that people need to have some true skills. One friend said that some Chinese guy can fool 5-6 IT companies
        consecutively, each per month. I really cannot believe this. Yesterday,
        I made a list of my students and friends who succeeded in getting into
        US IT job market. All of them spent 8-15 months to master some skills.
        Of course, there are some fakes in their resumes. So far, all of them
        are doing well. Exactly speaking, they cheated employers but their cheating is based on some true skills. I guess Canadian IT market is too chaotic--- it seems that some people who has never used Unix dare to seek a UNIN admin position in Canada.

        3) I can understand those friend's rage about IT cheating. So a question arises: how to fight against it? It is no use for us to curse here. My present team is a 16 people team and half of them are just killing time.
        Among them are Chinese and Indian. One Chinese colleague has a very high pay rate. This person has been in the IT industry for a couple of years.
        This person feels very good. But I see this person knows nothing. What can I do? The only thing I can do is
        NOT to collaborate with this person. I can help all the people who are not strong but are diliegent in learning. But I have no patience to say one more words to this person. What else can I do? My friends? Of course,
        If I were a manger, I would have got rid of this person long long time ago.

        4) View different people in diiferent standards. Just at my present working site, there is another Chinese person. She just graduated from
        a University and is very persitant in learning Java. I am always happy to anser her questions, just as I have been doing at this BBS.

        5) I show my strongest respect for those who never cheat. I am always
        considerate of those who have to cheat but possess true skills.

        6) I follow Eglington's suggestion and won't be involved in further discussion.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 我也停止
          看了 Eglington 和 Jabber 文章,我停止对这个问题的争辩了。有这些时间,我可以多读一些书,多写两行程序。虽然我放弃了成为 IT 精英的梦想,但是计算机依旧是我最大的爱好。
          就像 Eglington 说的,干什么都要干出个样来。哪怕写些假的经历,也要有真的本领去充实。他们的经历是按一天8个小时,一周5天的工作算的。如果你真的花上一年,每天十几个小时的时间去学习,肯定比吊儿郎当地工作5年强。
    • 人家一个被抓的贪官说了,大家都贪你不贪,你就是众人的眼中钉,肉中刺,不贪的是精神病,请把贪和撒谎替换