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  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / Is a commom seden's trunk big enough for a 27' TV?Do I need to buy a dolly to move it to my apt from basement parking lot?
    • what could be a common sedan? civic, no, concorde, ok. usually the trunk opening isn't wide enough to let the tv in
      • Thanks,my car is Nissan Sentra.I think the trunk is same as Civi
      • BTW,big enought to put a 25 TV in 25' TV?
        • 为什么你不放在后座上?
          • 对呀,这样多好,再系上安全带。要不放在后面不稳
    • for 27" TV, there's no way to fit it in the trunk. However, one possible way is to rip off the packaging material and put it in the back seat. I've done that with my 27" Toshiba (at that time my car was civic).