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  • 枫下拾英 / 心情随笔 / 请问已经在加的同胞们,你们交到的白人朋友多吗?若很少,是我们中国人太封闭还是白种人太傲慢?
    • 都不是,不要低估了文化差别,当你和他们之间还没有什么共同语言时,硬往一起凑,大家都很累。在大多情况下,交朋友也要门当户对。当然了,如果你去了教会,会有很多人想和你交朋友的,那是因为他们想发展你。嘿嘿。。
    • No matter how good your english is, no matter how localized you are, the cultural differences, barriers are there. Don't expect too much on making friends.
      Actually it doesn't matter whether they are white people or not, though for Chinese, you couldn't expect everyone could be your friends, right? lumlum

      Sui yuan.
      • agree with you. but friends is the most we need in a strange area. so I fully understand what per is worring about.
        • hehe,原来是子期到了。献茶,鼓瑟。
          • 当~~~~~~ 弦断也!!!
        • Why should per? there're tons of asians and blacks. In fact, the GTA area has more non-whites than otherwise. It only make sense if you'll get a financial adviser who's a black jew, and a wife who's a catholic chinese. Multi-cuturalism EH?
      • So in other words, why bother, EH? ;)
      • where r u now ? London?
    • It's not difficult to find some topics with non-Chinese people. Anyway, the definition of "friend" here is different to the one in China. People like more privacy. We have to get used to it.
      • yes, privacy is the most important and respected priority, even among Chinese.
      • Privacy is just an excuse. I know an American got really confused and unhappy by our country fellow man in the name of privacy.
        • many Chinese don't know what privacy is.
          • agreed. and many chinese don't what manner is. Neither do many, say, Irish or Italian. It sometimes doesn't matter if one likes the "bad guy"...
            • so you can distinguish people who have ancestors from Ireland and Italy(the name tells it) from their behaviour?
              • Yes, the name tells. Especially the accents.
                • hmm, you remind me the typical Irish lastnames, but I haven't noticed how irish accent would sound like.
    • per呀,我是KATE. 我现在是在VANCOUVER.我也还好啦,你要发MIAL给我. 我现在有一个NOTEBOOK PC,但是还没上网. 我现在是在学校呢.
      • This is fine,glad to read the good news. Wish you happy in Vancouver,and happy your Spring Festival.
        • Per, are you form Scandinavian EH?
          • haha,why do u think I am from Scandinavian? I am still in homeland. And several days later I can eat the most delicious dumpling.Spring Festival is coming,wish you happy and amused.
            • Per is a Scandinavian first name, male. that's why.
    • Where're you from? can you feel home right away when you in a group of guys from a different city? Probably not EH? Once you start to talk like 'em get ready to dress like 'em, f* like 'em and better wear a pair of green contact lens, EH?
      • which one did u refer to? confused.
        • Which which ones? I'm confused too. By the way, are you the host EH?
          • unfortunately I am not. but maybe you can state your point more clearly.
            • I was merely stating the facts. The moral, I guess, is that if one can, sure. But if it's too big a hassle, why bother. EH?
    • IMHO, only people who are used to be dependent are eager for friendship. But real friendship only exists among independent people.