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  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 新移民刚来没工作,怎么找房子?交了申请表也不批,难道没个能住的地方吗?有什么办法让房主同意租给我们?申请表上的SIN卡,银行账号一定要写吗?如果不批的话留这些给别人不是很危险?
    • 非的要就给吧,千万不要在把生日告人家。
      • 为什么不能把生日告人家呀?
        • 同时告诉别人SIN卡结合生日才会导致#223794所说的样子,for example 可以以此调查你的信用记录。
    • 先问清到底租房要什么条件,如果自己条件不符,可以找个朋友帮忙租,或者找星岛日报的广告,从私人手里租,没那么多麻烦。千万不要随便把SIN卡NO给别人!
      • 为什么"千万不要随便把SIN卡NO给别人" ??!!
        • Come in>
          If somebody knew your SIN No, they can know everything about you include your name,your address,your credit history. Then they will have chance to apply credit card and spend money on your name. It will damage your precious credit history. The more private information they get ,the more possible they will succeed. Be more careful!
          • I don't believe that's sure. tell me how. what name that man use to apply credit card? his name or mine. how could receive his card use his name, but my name on card
        • 具体细节我忘记了,原先我上JOB SEARCH TRAINING WORKSHOP的时候有个老师说的,只记的她说CANADA出了几个诈骗案都与SIN卡NO被盗用有关,她还强调说,在你没有正式接收雇主OFFER前,千万不要贸然把SIN卡NO给他们。
    • 要自己租房没工作要预先交六个月房租, 新来的可以考虑和别人分租.
    • 我租房的时候提供了银行存款证明(上面当然有银行账号),而且只付了两个月房租的定金。我想如果没有工作,再不提供银行证明,怎么能证明你有能力付房租?如果不能证明,人家干嘛要租房给你?