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  • 工作学习 / IT杂谈 / Hi,Jabber: Can you tell me what position your friend who was just laid off was?what Job do you think is more hot now,Java programmer or C++ programmer?Any response is fully appreciate.
    • Of course, Java is hotter. There are few opportunities for C++ novices.
      • Why do you think there are more opportunity for java novice? The positions for java in the ads are mostly senior and intermediate,just like C++ positions.
        • Because C++ has been there for some years...
          Frankly speaking, few people can do serious C++ programming after learning C++ for a few months. Java is easier to handle. A Java novice can write Java code, though his code may be ugly and stupid. But C++ novices, trust me, can generate garbage if they are smart or generate nothing if they are not smart.