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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 请各位GG,JJ帮忙,谢谢,我遇到了几个问题,想要标准的概念的表述。 1。how to complie the program,hw to make the compling faster? 2.解释logic 和 grammertical 的区别 3。VB中的ARGUMENT指什么?
    请各位GG,JJ帮忙,谢谢,我遇到了几个问题,想要标准的概念的表述。 1。how to complie the program,how to make the compling faster? 2.解释logic 和 grammertical 的区别 3。VB中的ARGUMENT指什么? 4。VC++中的reference variable是什么?
    please use english thanks you so much!
    • 是考试题吧?
    • 你应该把完整题目拿出来(上下文),不然前两道题没法回答。
      • 请教各位:有谁知道申请面试延期后,大约要多长时间才能来第二次面试通知?
        • 打个电话问问吧。
        • 看看领馆的官方解释
          Rescheduled interviews : If you request a postponement of your first scheduled interview, we will within 270 days of that first scheduled date send you a letter to advise you of the date and time of your second appointment.

          You should take into account in requesting a postponement of your first appointment that up to one year may pass between the first and second appointment dates.

          Please be reminded that we will only respond to interview scheduling enquiries if the time frames indicated above have passed and you or your designated representative have received no notice from this office of an interview appointment date. You should therefore contact your representative in this regard before you contact this office.
    • grammertical? grammatical?
      • 就是逻辑错误(logic error)和语法错误(grammatical error)的区别,以及其他的问题,用英文表述。谢谢。这个题不需要什么上下文的联系的,很着急,希望GG,JJ帮忙!谢谢大家!
        • (你要是在多伦多) AND( 需要一,二题的答案),我可以说说(用中文)因为我英文不行。需要的话就把你的号码发到我的信箱里,我回到家里就可以给你回电话。
        • please help,thanks very much!
          • which one?
            • 能MAIL给我么?谢谢,希望尽量用英文回答1。2-,THANKS SO MUCH! 用中文也行的,jacky2k2002@sina.com
          • tytang or another friends can help me answer that questions,thanks so much!