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  • 枫下家园 / 理财投资税务 / I inquiry the main banks of toronto, they said it's impossible to apply a cerdit-card with deposit, insteading of job. Any one know that?
    • did u try to apply TD credit card online? u don't need to report your real annual income(say, fill in 50,000$/year, they cannot check it). www.tdbank.ca
    • 在TD肯定可以用押金形式办信用卡,如以1300元三年期定期储蓄(GIC)为抵押,可申请1000元的信用卡。然后,凭着这张卡,你又可以到各家大商店去申请他们的积分信用卡了。
      • 那针对刚刚到Toronto的新移民,哪几种TD Bank的Credit Card比较适合申请呢?我刚刚访问了它的站点,有13个不同种类...
        那针对刚刚到Toronto的新移民,哪几种TD Bank的Credit Card比较适合申请呢?我刚刚访问了它的站点,有13个不同种类,Green Visa, The GM Card, Emerald, Harley-Davidson, Wal-Mart, U.S. Dollar, Gold Travel, Gold Elite, Gold Select, Business, Purchase Manager, Venture, Student Card.
        • 除非你有很多存款,恐怕银行只能给你GREEN CARD,免年费的那种。等你的信用建立起来以后,银行会提高你的信用额度,也会取消你的押金条件,你也可以申请金卡等等。
        • TD BANK的站点是多少?
          • www.tdbank.com
            • It should be www.tdbank.ca
      • But I inquiry the staff of TD bank in chinatown, they said:"you can apply, but I think can not get it".
      • Right!!
    • 能用信用卡在美国消费吗?付帐是付美元还是付相应的加元?
      • Yes. In fact you can use your credit card in almost every country, including some cities (e.g. Shenzhen) in China. The credit card company will do the exchange for you.
    • Without deposite? Find a joint account for the credit card. I probably can get one for you. ;)