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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 每天都是刺骨的风,八个月的女儿 只能呆在家里,一个人玩 ,变的越来越娇气了, 不知哪位妈妈有好的办法?
    • 你住哪里?要是方便,可以到我家来玩。我有个2岁的女儿。
    • Egg has a 5-month old boy, you three may play together. hehe
      • 先谢过以上的两位!这里的冬天这么长,我真担心闷坏了她了,犹豫送她回国去了,国内的家里可热闹了,可看着孩子成长又是做父母很大的快乐
        • 八个月的孩子还好对付,他还是个小婴儿,即使家里的人口不多,父母只要保持乐观情绪,对他的身心不会造成什么伤害的。
        • Try to train him to adapt the cold weather step by step. If you think the weather is too cold to bring him out now, he will never have chance to go out in the whole winter.
          However he needs the sunlight to absorb Ca. I was playing with my one year old son in some heavy snow days and he really enjoyed the outdoor activity although his face looked like a red apple. There is no excuse to send your son to China as being brought up by his parents is the best choice for him.
          • That's really cute, and absolutely true...
        • 这里有没有全职的妈妈啊,在这种天气里,一人在家带孩子的,有没跟我相同的感受了?