


  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / From ON to BC
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Finally it's my turn to share my experience on this subject, as I just drove from Toronto to Vancouver and got settled in Richmond.

    1 Preparation
    I had to move from Toronto to Vancouver because of some reasons. As I had a car, driving is my only choice.

    Before setting out, I got as much information about life in Vancouver as I could. I also post questions on this forum and get many kind advices from pmer, kevin2000, "Tiger that likes swimming" (Sorry I cannot input Chinese) and some others.

    Now from my experience, I think the following things are important to a successful long distance journey:
    * A reliable car and good luck - the essential part
    * A cell phone and a CAA membership - together they give you enough courage to set out. But once you are on the road, you'll find they are useless. There is no cell phone signal except in several big cities, and there are very few call boxes along the road.
    * A map - It is good if you have a map. But you can find your way without it.

    2 The journey
    It took me 5 days (9-10 hours' driving/day, 120km/h).
    Day 1: In Ontario, along the lakes. Beautiful sight along the road. HIlls with yellow and red leaves. Some rain and snow just outside Toronto.
    Stopped at a lonely motel 2 hours west of Thunder Bay.
    Day 2: In Ontario. Same as the first day. Get an extra hour. Stopped at a small city called Dryden.
    Day 3: Finally got out of Ontario. Better road. No hills, no color. Just dried trees on the plain. Passed Winnepeg, a city seeming as populous as Toronto. Got another hour. Stopped at Regina, a middle sized city.
    Day 4: Passed Calgary. Entered Rocky Mountain. Entered BC. Stopped at the first motel after about 1 hour's terrible night driving. Got another hour.
    Day 5: The mountains are so high. There are clouds at the feett of the mountains. Everything is white with snow. Got out of the mountains. Saw green trees and green grass. Arrived at Vancouver just before it's getting dark.

    3 Getting settled at Vancouver

    I stayed at a family hotel in Richmond for 3 days before moving into my new home in Richmond. I had thought to rent an apartment at Bernaby or New Westminister near the Skytrain rount. But as it's in the middle of the month, it's difficult to find an apartment that's available immediately. After making dozens of calls, I did find 3 apartments within my budget in New Westminister and south Burnaby. I drove there immediately but gave up my plan before arriving. The roads are narrow, crowded and very steep. The first apartment is located on a narrow but busy street. The sencond one is on a wide and quiet blind street among many low rise apartment buildings. But it is only one or two blocks away from the terrible roads and I did not see any Chinese face in that area. I did not take the trouble to find the third one and was on my way back. As soon as I was on the wide, quiet and flat road in Richmond, I decided to get settled here.

    I checked all the listings on the English and Chinese newspapers and contacted all that might be suitable to me. There was only one match. It's on the first floor of a house, fully above the ground and in a quited and beautiful neighbourhood. The owners are a young couple, who came from China and were here for five years. They both have decent jobs and are nice. I made the decision immediately.

    The biggest problem for a new comer is to get into communication. I called the local telephone company, Telus, immediately to set up my phone service. They made the appointment on a date 10 days from the day I called. The installation fee is $100. I was really angry but could do nothing. For the first time I realized how heavily I was dependent on a telephone line. No phone calls, no emails.

    I went to the public library to get onto internet. This is troublesome too. First you have to show something with your new address to get the library card. Then you have to book a computer and wait for your turn. Finally you get onto internet and have to hurry up, as you have only one hour per day.

    Fortunately nowadays there is internet access through cable. Their installation is much faster and I finally got internet access from my home. Now I can call my husband with dialpad.

    4 Impression of Vancouver
    The greatest difference between Vancouver and Toronto to me is that Chinese people in Vancouver are much richer that those in Toronto.

    5 Current problem
    * Cannot find a Chinese supermarket to buy everyday food. (I did see one but could not find parking space outside it.)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • a day from toronto to thunderbay is an awesome job, but the second day you only drive to dryden? only 351.6Km between thunderbay & dryden
      • I did not drive much on the second day. Maybe too tired.
        • i see, that's what i thought, because a day to thunderbay is really a long trip
          • from vancouver to toronto: first day: calgary; second day: moosomin, sa, near manitoba; third day: thunder bay, on; forth day: toronto. this is my trip.
            • how many hours do you spend from thunderbay to T.O.
              • about 10 or 11 hrs.
                • what car do you drive? what's the speed you usually maintain?
                  • civic, about 130-140km/hr
                    • i don't think it's possible to take 11 hours from thunderbay to toronto at that speed, in order to make it in 11, you need an average of 170km/h
                      and that's the average, that means most time you have to maintain a speed of 180-190, i've done an average of 170 to montreal from toronto, most time i was in 190.
                      • 从thunder bay 到toronto才1300KM,为什么不可能?
                        • i see i see, sorry, i thought it's 1800km, hehe, by the way, what's the speed limit?
                          • 90-100km/hr,不过靠近城镇开慢些,离城镇远的就开得飞快。:-)
                            • great experience! :)
                              • 还有最好不要开在第一部,跟在一部开得飞快的车后,要有警察先抓出头鸟。*-^
                                • 对,但一般很难找到开的足够快的,有机会应该弄一个监测警察的东西。。。
            • Hi, tiger, glad to meet you again.
              • hi, how are you?
                • Just settled down. Quite at loss at this new place. Where do you live?
                  • richmond, westminster hwy. /gilbert
    • 在Cambie和No.3有个大统华(很大的华人超市),在那个饭店的北面。在Cambie南面No.3 Road上也有不少较小的华人超市。
      • Thanks. Which direction is it from the corner of Cambie and No 3?
        • 东北,挨着八佰伴和那个饭店。你如果顺着No.3向北开,从八佰伴的入口进去就行了,然后兜回来向南,在八佰伴与那个饭店之间。另外,Richmond是有钱的香港、台湾人的聚居区,所以你看到的华人特有钱。到温东你就会见到许多没钱的华人了。
          • Thank you very much. BTW, where do you live?
            • 温东,属于没钱的华人:-)
            • 你住哪?温哥华的华人超市规模比多伦多大。
              • Garden City & Blandell.
                • 沿着garden city往北,到cambie左转,沿着cambie往西再开一两百米右手边就是了大统华了(T&T)。千万别沿着No.3 rd开车,红绿灯太多了。
          • People from mainland here are also very rich. The poorest I met rented a single house. The richest bought a house at west Vancouver for $600,000, just for his kids to get into a good private school.
            • 你是指温西还是西温?在温西区60万的房子算是较便宜的,在今天《明报》的地产金页上有叫到7、8百万的豪宅。据说在西区最贵的房子是大陆人的(绝对的贪官)。
              • West part of Vancouver, the area you mentioned.
                • 据说西温的房子更贵,靠海的缘故。
                  • How about the east part of Vancouver? How is China Town?
                    • 温东也有个别好区,多数较平平。Chinatown在downtown east side,大概是最差的区了。
              • In Toronto, all my friends and friends' friends are technology immigrants. The poorest rented a bastment apartment or a room. The richest bought a house at $20000 - 30000. The average lived in apartment buildings.
                • 2万到3万?20万到30万吧?:-)
                  • Yes, you are correct. $200, 000 - 300,000.
      • Great One (中文名称“诚信”)Superstore is a nice one, very close to where you live. Park rd / No. 3 (near richmond center).
        • Which direction from No 3/ Granvill? Thanks.
        • Oh I remember, it's the one I cannot find parking place.
          • 华人店的地方,车位都很难找。
            • 在新城市广场有一个MARKET2000的中国超市,东西不错,那有一种叫黄岗鸡很好吃,这里的东西比大统华平宜,且好,开张不久。
        • 不过,那里卖的东西好象不如大统华新鲜,我觉得。
          • 感觉八佰伴( yohan center )比大统华(T&T)还火, 不过车位都很难找。
            • 八佰伴已被T&T收购了。T&T楼上有较多的停车位。
      • 我觉得华人超市偶尔去一去,买齐调料,酱料; 日常的蔬菜,水果和肉类,还是SUPERSTORE,SAVE ON FOOD,SAFEWAY等便宜.
    • welcome 2 the neighbourhood. :)
    • 终于开过来了?欢迎欢迎。哪天好好聊聊这一路,偶也好攒点经验。

      另外,要说吃的用的,没有比richmond更合适华人的地方了(我甚至觉得比chinatown都方便)。给你推荐几个地方:cambie靠近No.3的T&T(大统华);No.3靠近cambie的Yaohan center;往南一些,alexandra与no.3附近的帝国中心,百家店,以及帝国中心对面的西人超市superstore。

      • Glad to meet you again. Thanks for your information and advice.
        My telephone will be connected next Thursday :(. I am really mad at Telus. Please contact me by email. hb_qu@yahoo.com.
      • 我估计HELEN的房子是否是没有预留多余的电话端口。这样申请电话时,TELUS就要加收安装和检测费用,就是100多块钱了。