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  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 大家能否给评评:92年的Accord,12万公里,在私人手里买,应该是个什么价才合理?另外有个低级问题:是否车价越低保险费则越少呢?谢谢先!
    • 保险费与你买车的价钱无关。主要取决于你所买的险种、第三者保险的金额。图书馆有本手册(每季度出版,要最新的),可查到各年代汽车在BC的价值。
      • 哦?书叫什么名字?
        • sorry, i forgot it. :-( 大小只有普通书的一半,杂志的四分之一。
        • 书名刚从图书馆查到,有两本:1、GOLD BOOK Official Used car prices(金黄色封面) 2、Canadian RED BOOK Official used car valuations(红色封面)。以上两种书目前都是一个月出一期。
      • 保险费应该与车价有一定的关系吧,我以前的车每月$286,现在每月$560,所有选项都没变
        • 车的价格与车的价值不同的。
        • $560/mo! wa kao, what car do you have?
          • $560 per month, really?
          • a new car is always much more expensive. it's an acura
            • 560??? are you driving a NSX?
            • what were you driving before? 285/month for what car?
              • $250 for a 94 civic, the insurance depends much on the car's price, the driver's age, and driving record(lenth&#of ticket in last 3 years)
                • That's too much...So you had lots of accident in the past few years? you have claimed alot?
                  • that was my first car&first drive :-)
                    • if it's Integra, about 220 per month. if not a sports car, should be less than 200.
                      Acutally, for a new driver with a new car, your driving history should be seen as blank. You are innocent. Unless, you are very young. without certificated.
                      • with certificate, young. maybe some options made the price
                        • which ACURA car you drive? NSX? or RSX?
                          • NSX??? that's too expensive! i hope i can have a chance to drive that car in the future. i'm driving TL, the same as yours.
                            • mine is 2000 ACURA TL only about 200C$ insurance
                              • well, it also depends on age, marriage status, gender, etc...
      • 在BC没关系么?
        • 与价值有关,与价格无关。
          • 太专业了吧?既然与价值有关,而价格在一定程度上又反映了价值,那么在一定程度上说当然与价格也有关了?
            • 在BC,私人间汽车买卖为了7%的税,常常是现金交易,并向保险公司说明是亲友间礼物赠送。免了7%的税。
              • 所以说价格为7000元的车保险会比价格为50000元的车贵因为它们的价值可能相反是么?但这种是普遍现象还是特殊现象?我想价格反映价值应该是普遍现象吧
    • A roughly guide: http://www.kellybluebook.com. But the price is in US dollars. And it's said used cars in ON are 10-20% cheaper, due to the rust.
      • 这个网站不错阿,谢谢。
      • You are in BC? Sorry. Then the rust is not a problem, if the car is a "local car". I suggest you ask a mechanician to check it before you buy.
        I once test drove a car for a friend. We did not find any problem. But later a friend who was a mechanician checked the car and said it would not be drivable in another half a year.
        • 是啊,我也不是这方面的行家,我第一辆车要买新车,第二辆车再买个二手的,对了,van的保险是不是比同样价格的车贵一些?
          • Insurance is the same. But registration fee is higher, for it's in the catalogue of truck/van.
            • Sorry I forgot one thing: If you buy a new van, you'll buy full insurance. I am not sure if full insurance is the same. Mine is a used one, and I only buy half coverage.
              Please consult an agent or a friend in the same situation.
        • thank you! 我是在温哥华,但我不知道请mechanician 来check car是在成交前还是成交后?另外我听说温哥华的车不容易生锈是么?
          • Before you finally pay for it, of course. In places where it snows heavily in winter, rust is caused by the salt that is used to melt the snow.
            • 明白了,谢谢!那么请mechanician 来check car后如果发现车有问题,那请mechanician的钱就自认倒霉了吗?
              • Of course. Good luck.