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  • / 征伴合租住房 / we(couple)will go to York University this May or June,who can share an two bedroom with us? near York.U.
    • I should have writen an e-mail to you
      but you didn't leave your address. What I want to tell you is don't
      live nearby York University. Try to buy a car A.S.A.P., because females
      walk alone York University region in the night could be considerably
      dangerous. But there are several campus housings available. These buildings are
      inside the campus. Apply for them. They are actually much cheaper than
      commercial ones. Pay extreme attention to the apartments SOUTH of
      the campus. These are the most dangerous ones. They are along Finch Avenue.
      If you couldn't get campus housing, find those commercial ones north of the
      campus and avoid Finch Avenue and its south.
      • thank you,but i am afraid i canot afford a car now.
        so i want to live near the university and walk there everyday.
        it is terrible to hear that the place is dangerous. most of the classes will be in evening.is it easy to rent rooms in campus?
        are you living there?thanks again
        • yes, the most dangerous place in toronto. apply for campus housing right now. it is hard but if you don't try, you get nothing.
          • 但是YORK的公寓好租吗?我只有申请学校之后才能申请住房,不知什么时候才可以等到。请问您是在YORK吗?太感谢了
            • campus housing is always hard to get one. I am not living in York region.
              • i have no idea, how much is i buy a car, i mean to keep it everymonth,like insurance...
                • insurance : 70 dollars a month gas : one dollar for 10 KM repair : 30 dollars a month
                • 至少每年5000元。
                  • really. if 5000 per year for a car, i will give up.
                    • 举例:一辆八成新丰田或本田小型车(大多数亚洲人的选择),车价连税共15000元,每年跑二万五千公里,那么:



                      4、燃料费,假定车况很好,每百公里蚝油8升,油价每升7角:25000 X 0.7 X 0.08 = 1400元;


                      6、总结:1200元 + 2000元 + 1000元 + 1400元 + 300元 = 5900 元,其中的4200元是车子还没动就花出去的。
                      • According to CAA, a compact sedan will cost you about $9,000 per year to keep the wheels rolling. Detail inside
                        Insurance: $1,500
                        Depreciation: $3,500
                        Gas/Oil: $2,120 (50*4+0.08*24,000km)
                        Financing cost: $900
                        Liscence: $130
                        Maintaince: $500