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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 我是Eleanor, 我于10/17/00在HK面试, 后回上海体检及交Landing Fee, Agency的人说大约1月可收到LP, 但至今仍然没有音讯. 请问有无在10月期间面试的朋友,你们有无收到LP呢? !!有什么信息请告知,多谢各位!! Email: eleanor_zhu@hotmail.com.
    • Don't worry. I am staying in the same situation as you although i took ME and submitted landing fee in HK (Oct.16.00). The officer told me that he would issue my visa during Jan.01.
      In my opinion, their side wouldn't eat their words unless they became Mainland cadre. The reason why you still cannot obtain visa is that we meet the Spring Festival. I guess youe LP has been already in your Agency. You must have got good news as soon as the Festival pass.
      • Really? I've one more question: I had my ME and Landing Fee in Shanghai in Nov.6, does it affect anything?
        • It depends on 2 situation.
          1. If we share the same officer, candidate who submit landing fee and ME result later might get visa later afterwards. 2. If our cases were handled by different officer, it's hard to say in terms of the delivery efficiency as variuos officer has various feature on case handling.
          As I know, some guy who conducted ME in Oct has got LP already before Chinese New Year. Whereas, other guys who conducted ME in last July didn't get LP so far.
          • too bad, so inefficiency
    • 告诉你一个重要的原因!
      我10。13在港通过,前两天收到IMM OFFICE的letter,说是我的LP将由DHL速递公司投递(RMB:150.00),让我签署一份协议并且FAX给OFFICE,估计是Consulate 管理上的原因延误了LP送达的时间了。