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  • 枫下家园 / 电脑用户 / It's very very bad, my home computer doesn't wotk anymore. I may hurt matherboard, or power is bad. Anyway cdwriter is bad for sure, is there anyone know where to fix them? help please.
    • 先确定故障部位, 打开电源, 仔细听电源盒里是否有风扇转动的声音,如果没有,八成是电源烧掉了,否则问题就在母板上了.
      • it's wired, the cpu fan is work, cdrom light is on, I suspect the power line to cdwrite is bad,
        I try cdw in another machine and got hardware undetectable error. I'm sure cpu is good, may be harddisk wrong? (but I can heard hd checking noise)
        • 现象还是没说清楚,除了CDW不工作之外电脑还能正常用?
          • the monitor is always black, and the keyboardand mouse are not being checked. the harddisk light is on, cdromlight is on.
            • Boot from floppy-disk to see if it works or not. if it works, the problem should be your harddisk.
              • nop, floppy can not be loaded, because the checking hardware program is not loaded at all.
                • Unlink the harddrive and cd-rom, reset your BIOs, then boot from floppy disk.
                  • I didn't unlink HD and CDrom, but I reset the bios and try with restart with HD or floppy, either way doesn't work. :-(( keyboard and monitor doesn't response. I asked a guy to try my cpu in his pc, it's good.
                    • I think it worth try, we can do it step by step, if it works, then add harddisk on, otherwise, you have to change you mother board, right?
                      • Hi, don't forget check you memory sticks, sometimes the problem happened there.
            • 那就不是硬盘的问题了,自检都没有的话去找修理铺修吧,估计是主板或者电源问题
              • that's really bad, I check the price the motherboard costs 139$ and plus fix fee and installation fee, oh include cdwrite (anyway can fix that?) up to 400$ 5555555555
                • 别着急,问问这里的网友,看有没有住的离你近愿意帮忙去检查一下的,也不一定是主板坏// 你现在手头有没有万用表查一下电源电压
                • 还有你能做的就是把软驱硬盘光驱键盘鼠标之类的都去掉,只留显示卡连显示器,其他卡也去掉,看看有没有自检
                  • thx anyway, I didn't try that, but i doubt it doesn't work, it' s unlucky.
                    • it's a simple way to distinguish the error point. if it do not work, the last places to doubt are mb and power, or the problems must on some accessories.
    • 恐怖分子捣乱?