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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / Received two offers today, what a long process, I wish to share with you my happiness and accomplishment
    • Congratulations!!
      It so pity that you are not my best friend, or it will be your treat to invite me for a dinner.
      • I actually just sent out a email to all the people who supported me in the process for a gathering on Friday, drinks on me.
        I always thought a person with my education and work experiences and charms would have no problem finding employment, that was why I left my last job without any hesitation. But the cut backs is having a bigger impact on the economy than I realized, I started having doubts on myself, finally things came through...it's more of a relieve than a sense of accomplishment
        • It has been a very long time that we had not heard good news on Rolia, your message brought us the smell of spring.
    • Good for you!!
      • thank you
        • hi buddy, how's going?
          • Dude, how are you? It's only been a couple of months and a lot has happened, a chunk of incredible events had takens place.
            • what happened?
            • welcome back. hehe. how is your girl now?
        • Got your love back?
    • 值得喝一杯!你住在多伦多
      • Sorry, not in toronto anymore, I wish to share my experiences to help all of us to find a place in life
        • 真为你高兴啊!! ^-^ ,动手写点东西纪念一下吧,顺便也让象我这样还在挣扎的朋友学点经验和教训,好不好啊?
          • I think my resume was quite a banged up job, I don't do massive mail outs and I don't send any resume eletronically,
            Every resume I sent out was through FedEx and made the HR dept sign for it, it cost me major money but it was worth it at the end, I've gotten interviews for 50% of the resume I sent out, then the interviewing process was so long, three rounds per company and they are one week apart...
            • 对不起啊,想问个比较苯的问题,"FedEx and made the HR dept sign for it " 是什么东东?是快递吗?
              • 是快递!象挂号信,需要接收方签收。
                • 习习,没死啦,还在这个角落挣扎呢 :P
                • 对了,是不是需要到邮局里去寄啊??
                  • 要是FEDEX在国内是上门,不知道这里。挂号信要到邮局。
            • Congratulations! BTW, how many resumes did you send out at total? and just print "HR Manager" in receiver part, is it OK? One Candian suggest me to do so also, but I never try it before.
              • I called the phone company to pay for commercial listing of the whole company and dig out the right recruiter
                be Willing to spend money:

                Charged calls to phone company: 72.55 + 48.55
                Fed Ex of my CV package: 220
                New Suit and shirt, grooming...etc

                I don't use the Internet for job hunter, it's just a big bin of electronic garbage
            • First time hear this way. Thanks for sharing.
        • So where exactly is pork.com located? I don't mind driving a couple of few hundred miles for a drink though.
          • right now I am in Detroit/Windsor, the job is in Toronto, I think I am going to take a big vacation to relax and reward myself, any good suggestions?
        • 我以为你在多伦多呢,我在温哥华
    • 恭喜,我觉得每一个拿到offer的同胞都值得我们所有的人高兴,好消息能给在这非常时期奋斗挣扎的朋友们带来希望。如果天天看到的没有一个好消息,再坚强的人恐怕也会对当初下定来这儿的决心感到怀疑的。
      • thank you, keep going, after all, there is a light at the end of the tunnel
    • Congradulations! So would you please tell us all about what your background are, how long you have been here in Canada, how much time you take from you sent the first resume till you got the offer? Thanks