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  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / I am Ph.D student in USA now. I plan to land Canada in December.
    After landing, I will immediately return to USA. I still have two years
    to finish my Ph.D degree.
    I want to know do I need to apply return permit? and since I won't
    stay in Canada more than a week, do I have to apply social security
    It is said if I don't apply a ssn, I won't need to pay any income tax.
    is it true?
    I appreciate any answer and kind help.
    wish you all good luck
    • 借花献佛
      • Thank you very much for your reply.
        But the question is: I don't want to apply SSN since
        it's useless to me. I won't stay in Canada now.
        I don't want to apply ssn in order to avoid pay tax.
        Anybody know about it?
        thank you all in advance