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  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 请问各位前辈,能否给在下推荐一个可靠的修车行?最好在北约克,丰田车。我想把车子整体检查一遍,是不是叫 TUNE UP?
    • If a new car, go to the Toyota dealer by Steels and 404, I had good experience with them. If an old one, go to Madis, good reputation. Check their service menu to see what you need. Tune up is the ajustment work on engine, not everything.
      • 我的车就是在这个DEALER这买的,他们的检修费是不是很贵?MADIS 在哪里?
        • To have your "baby" taken care of by qualified professionals is well worth a few extra bucks, of course I mean a new car. Madis is a franchise of US garage. Take a look at the yellow page, you should find many locations.
          Keep in mind that most garages give you a free estimate, so you have time to decide what to do with your money.