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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 请问各位DX:获得微软的系统工程师认证和数据库管理员认证后在加拿大好找工作吗?
    • forget it.
    • 微软的好象不灵,有一次专业认证机构的人士来我们学校讲座,有人问过,他回答说,“可以看作垃圾”。(原话如此)
    • 如果你是做这方面的话,搞一个也无妨,有时候工作需求上会指明要MCSD证书,有总比没有好。
    • Cisco的认证好找工作吗?
      • CCIE也找不到,你意下如何?
    • your background and working experience is essential, while the certifications are just assets.
      • Sometimes, an hobby expertise weighs more than a certificate. For instance, song1's ability to cracker a software worthes more than someone's network security certificate...
        • Interesting, it might make sense, so at the next interview, if I was asked " what's your hobby out of work" and then I'd like to say "Do you ROLIA today?"