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  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 哪位dx知道中区唐人街附近给baby照护照相哪里便宜点儿吗?我找到两家照相的,一家不给baby照;另一家特贵,护照相$13.99+tax/4张,小baby要double,税后要$30,忒宰人了吧
    • go a little bit further to PacificMall. FuJI Film
      • do you know the price? thanks
        • They have some combination of passport photo & citizenship photo. I forgot the exact price, should be under $10.00. Do you drive there? Otherwise you have to include your TTC tickets in your cost.
    • Take picture by yourself using your normal camera at home and then ask the shop to print it into passport size. Note that the background should be white.
      • 不可以自己照的,一定要到照相馆照,照完后,他们会在相片后面盖上店的名字,地址,有的还要在相片底部签名以证明你就是相片上的人。
        • I have done that for my baby's passort in other country rather than in Canada. It works well because you can choose the best pictures to print. I think it should work in Canada. Anyway, it is just a suggestion.
          • the photoes have to have timestamp in their back. otherwise useless. canada is different. don't waste money and time.