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  • 工作学习 / IT杂谈 / Silly Question: my computer doesn't support chinese input, which software and from where can I download?
    is NJStar communicator good, but after I downloaded from their website and installed, I got error. suggestion please, thanks in advance
    • help me out please
    • In IE, select Tools->Windows Update->Select International Language Support Chinese Global IME (input method) and Chinese Display support, after download, you can read Chiese web page and input Chinese.
      • 南极星挺好用的,我一直在用,,,
        • I believe so coz I used it before, I want to reinstall on my pc, but there is something wrong with downloaded file, in the middle of installation
          I always got error say one of component (dll) can't be retrieved, don't know why ...
      • I know I can download from microsoft site, but I've got a problem with IE recently, when I go to windowsupdate site,
        and click on product udpate, a popup msg box shows and says ie encouter an problem and need to restart ...,
        • Try to use add/remove program for IE and select repair first..it might work
          • I tried to repair, didn't work, then I restore previous IE(version 4.x), seems ok, later I upgrade to IE6, got same problem,,,,,,darn!
            • I used to have a problem when I upgrade IE from 5.0 to 5.5, then I shutdown the virus scan real time monitor, it installed without any problem. If it is a problem in installation, you could try shutdown other things..
            • Without the exact syntax, it is very difficult to know what is the problem. You might want to search MicroSoft support site for reason that might cause the problem.
    • 在IE里面安装一个中文显示的支持,然后起微软当一个中文输入法的安装软件,一切高定.这种组合虽不能在整个系统完全支持中文,但却非常稳定.而且一般情况下也够用了.
    • 如果可以的话,你可以装一个中文的windows操作系统。