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  • 枫下沙龙 / 休闲娱乐 / 温哥华照片,摄影扫描俱新手,望各位摄友指点,另谢飞雪浮冰的书,好书哇!(In Vancouver directory)
    • 爱玩色影的dx们都不见了? 指点一下!
    • 俺的意见

      “新片子最大的问题是:没有主体。 记得兔子教导过我:一张片子,必须要有一个地方是能让人的眼光停留的,也就是所谓的主体了。而你的新片子的普遍问题是缺少一个能"抓人"的亮点。其中有几张是有明确主体的,但又嫌表现得太直白平淡了点。”


      • 两个意见全部接受,感谢!中肯的实话不容易听到呀。另外。。。。
        我认为在ROLIA上DX们放的片子最大的缺憾是色彩, 总是感觉颜色不跳,(我的在内)。
        • InTheSky说的是不错, 但几乎是所有业余爱好者的通病, 真要改正谈何容易, 再往下钻就成半职业了.
        • 色彩的问题,我认为原因主要有以下3个:1、看的时候没有调整显示器参数,建议用Photoshop里面的Gamma调整功能;2、数码成像或者扫描时的损失,后来又没有用Photoshop补偿;3、镜头光学性能不好。
          • 前面同意,关于镜头光学性能影响色彩,有没有参考文献?我努力的胡乱学习了杂书,没有记得呀,也没有银子各个镜头试下先,倒是负片/反转不同,不过我这种层次负片搞正就满足了.
            • color temprature is very important too
            • 手头上没有文献,不过考虑到光通量、解像力和畸变等因素,一个好的镜头应该更能表现色彩吧?
    • Expose one roll of film on one object you like,process the film and print all of them into 4X6, read every pictures for at least 3 minutes,
      go back to the object and expose another roll of film again, process the filme and print picture, select the best 3 and post them here. You will be shocked by the progresses you made. If you used a digital camera it is meaningless to discuss the colour, because the colour is very easy to modify. If you use a film camera, the most part of colour control is in the hands of the Lab, and what you can do are chosing the right film and expose correctly. Enjoy taking pictures in the beautiful Fall!
      • haha! Thanks. You just had said what I want to say: half of the picture(film) quality is in the hand of lab guys! Your plan sounds pretty good but.....
        first the light and weather will not always be the same, and second I don't think I like goto the same place again and again, travel for fun not just for shooting.
        Back to the color topic, the color of the scene itself, lence, negative, exposure, processing, scaner, and tech of photoshop all of them can affect the color on the web. So behand a good pic on web there is realy a lot works.

        Thanks Tsinghua guy, mind share us some pics by you on web ?