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  • 工作学习 / IT技术讨论 / 各位,怎样才能增加SQL Server允许的连接数?(也就是用sp_who 看到的logins)记得好象用啥系统的存储过程来设?多谢了
    • Which version are you using? In SQL Server 7. from Enterprise Manager, right click the server you're dealing with---->Propertities---->Connections tab, you'll see it there.
      • Tks, I use Sybase 12
        • change the parameter in configuration file , restart the database server.
          • The sisters here are so technically strong. Just curious.
          • Do you mean change values in sql.ini? Thank you.
            • find the directory where sybase server located, find a file named like XXX.cfg, it is an txt file actually, there is a user connection parameter for your sybase dataserver.
              • Coolness, it helps.
    • Pls use the following store procedure on isql: sp_configure,"number of user connections",this is a static parameter. you can use "select @@max_connections" to view the max connections