


  • 工作学习 / IT杂谈 / 最新马路消息:具多伦多刚刚下岗的JAVA朋友说,几个星期来,JAVA PROGRAMMER就业市场严重萎缩,JAVA 工作极其难找。大家纷纷转往C++和DATABASE等。
    • 现在是IT全面萎缩,原因明摆着
      • " IT Starting Salaries to Increase 8.4 Percent in 2001"
        "Study Says IT Starting Salaries to Increase 8.4 Percent in 2001"
        The starting salaries of IT professionals are a good indicator of
        the hiring outlook of the IT industry, suggests Katherine Spencer
        Lee, executive director of RHI Consulting (RHIC). RHIC has
        released a new report that projects that starting salaries for IT . . .
        • That is only a study, not the real thing
    • One of my friends didn't go to work today. You see why?
      She is a contractor. Her client fired an employee last Friday. The boss found that unlucky guy is very emotional. For security and safety's reason, the boss asked the other people not go to work today.
      • 可是我在招聘广告上还是看到了很多JAVA的职位.怎么回事?难道真的有那么可怕?
        • 主要还是供求关系
          • 挺多的.你可以自己找找看
            • 网址
              • http://www.workopolis.com/ search "java"
                • 很多是AGENT,反复登为自己作广告
        • Java won't die within a few weeks. Actually, more Java jobs will come about.
          • Jabber, can you explain it a little bit?
          • Jabber, could you please open a new posting to tell us more about the current JAVA market. I think you are the expert and the readers are all very keen to know more about it. Thank you.
    • 在多伦多,平面设计或网页制作是否好找工作?微软、Adobe、Macromedia哪个公司的认证证书最畅销?谢谢!
      • field,have u gotten lp?
        • Yes.
          • when?is it by DHL?
      • Certificates can help, but interviews are indispensible.
    • 给大家鼓鼓士气。今天刚找到UNIX Administrator工作。从interview到签offer, 一天搞定。关键一点,无论什么技术,只要精通一种,工作没问题。只是时间问题。坚持就是胜利!
      • 热烈祝贺。早点睡觉,攒着劲上班露一手。
      • 我特支持和欣赏你的观点:关键一点,无论什么技术,只要精通一种,工作没问题。只是时间问题。坚持就是胜利!
        • hoe about sales in Canada?
      • Tons of congratulations! This is the way to survive in the IT market: Well -oriented and being an expert in one or two specific directions.
      • Need suggestion
        I want to learn Unix, what do you suggest me to learn? I don't know that much about Unix,
        • sun solaris is currently the most popular flavor of unix in the market, ibm aix is also widely used in Canada.
          you need a unix box, you can install solaris for intel on
          your pc, though it is not as good as real unix box. If you
          really want to play unix, go to ebay and bid a unix workstation,
          a Sun Ultra 1 would cost around $700.
      • That is the key. You should just be a expert in one part and keep on searching, you'll succeed at last. Good luck to every one.
    • "A Long-Term Solution to the IT Skills Shortage"
      Women may prove to be a key source of skilled tech workers for
      international IT markets, say experts. In the European
      workforce, women currently account for only about one-fourth of
      tech workers and for only 20 percent of the U.S. tech workforce. . . .
    • "Java Loosens Wireless Market"
      "Java Loosens Wireless Market"
      Industry observers say wireless Java applications will enable
      workers to increase their productivity. Japan is the first
      country to target a wide range of services to users of
      Java-enabled handsets. Solution providers may take advantage of . . .