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  • 枫下家园 / 美食天地 / 想做包子,听人讲要用发酵粉,就在洋人超市里买了一盒(magic baking powder),但里面没有说明书,究竟和面粉多大的比例呢?谢谢各位大虾!
    • 哈哈!我刚做了大堆包子,不过我用的是Quick rise, Instant Yeast,大约600ml面粉放一勺酵母,将酵母用温水化开和好面。面发到原始体积的两倍就OK了。
      • 谢谢,不知我买的那种发酵粉可以用来做包子吗?
        • for bake, you can make bread yourself.
    • 直接到华人店里买大包粉,加点水,放一放,就成发面了,不用加任何酵母什么的,非常简单
    • I guess it is a kind of self-rise flour. I suggest you check the integrents and see if it contains soda. If so, you won't need anything else. Just mix the flour with water, and make "bao zi", then stream "bao zi".
      • Sorry, I just reallized what you bought is powder, not flour. You'll need to check the package carefullly for instructions.