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  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 请教各位已经在CAN的GGJJDDMM们,如果想到了之后买一台PC机,内存128M,硬盘20G,CD-ROM,MODEN,and others大概要多少加元?本人将很快移加,想先打听买PC机的情况,谢谢各位帮忙
    • 怎么没有人愿意帮我呢?Please help me。thanks!
      • Nobody want to help me? Why?
        • 嘻嘻,你稍微性急了点。另外,CPU?显示器?
    • call any PC store in China; ask for price; divide the price by 5.5; it is the price in Toronto; more or less!
    • 我们刚在多伦多买了一台。cel 700MHz CPU/128M P133/30G 7200rpm/52XCD/17"CRT/56K PCI modem card/ALS4000 sound card/TNT2 M64/小音箱/....,连税cn$1314 。
    • Try www.dell.ca - PIII866/128M/20G/15'/CD-RW about $1250. plus 15% tax and $99 shipping. Not too bad. The best thing is that you can configure as you like, kick off those you already have. And I guess you can pay by Cheque instead of credit card.
    • 我的建议:买最~好~的~显~示~器~!!! 17或19寸SONY或SONY管子的. 我的17寸柱面管一年前买花了440加币,便宜的只要200多,但是每个来我家的朋友都说值. 你的眼睛值多少钱?
    • I got a PC quotationfrom 3P today at price 1655 after tax. It is AMD Athlon 900 MHZ, Sansum 17" flat screen, 128 RAM, X32 Video, X16 Audio, CD-Rom, Floppy, no modem.
      • I FEEL it's a bit exp. Why not DIY? Need some advice?
        • I have no idea of where and how to buy those spare parts. Is there a supermarket like place where I can get them? Your help is much appriciated.
          • Get a free copy of My-Compute from the libary. There's lists of compuer stores there. Try a pretty large store in College near Coffee Time if you're in downtown. I found today most items there are $25 cheaper than others, such as printer, CD...
            • thanks
          • College ST, from Spadina to Bathurst, MANY small stores there! Cheap!
            • Thanks, Eglington.
    • 我刚刚买了一台 P3-933/256M/ASUS ATA100/32MVedio Card/Creative Soundblaster/20G/DVD/56KModerm/Creative大音响 税前CAD$1515,看看对你有没有帮助啊?
      • Hi, Mr XiXi, thank you for your information. What kind of Monitor did you buy?
        • 17''NEC V770
    • If you have some knowledge of PC, bring something like memory, hard disk over. Even the price here is not too high, the tax is 15%