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  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 我有一个问题,如果我回国呆上一年,不申请返加证,再去加拿大入境时会怎么样?会被拒绝入境,把我赶回国吗?
    • You'll have to prove you have not abandoned Canada, evidence like: a family member staying in Canada, house, bank account, application for return permission, etc
      -------------------These are information I saw here and there. Confirmation is needed.
      • Thank you. I think it's very easy to show the proof, such as the bank account, etc.
        • 我想返加证不能少吧。
          • You'd better apply for it, even though you know they won't give you.
            • 如何证明有family member在加拿大呢?
    • 看到移民官把一个韩国佬叫到一边听候发落,移民官的样子挺凶的,不知到他要等多久。我们排队都用了近2个小时,那家伙可能要捱到移民局下班再处理(猜的)
      • The immigration officer do not have the right to reject a landed immigrant, although they sometimes pretend to. Only a judge have the right. Usually most people will be fine at the court.
        I read some information on a lawyer's website, something like "webimmigration.com". But I've lost my bookmark.

        There are some important things:

        1 apply for return permission
        2 do not apply or accept any non-immigrant visa to enter Canada