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  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 我想很多夫妻都是在加拿大生儿育女,冒昧地问大家你们是请父母过来帮忙照顾月子, 还是自己度过来的。
    我明年要生产, 有人告诉我请父母来实际上没有自己带的好, 虽然在家务上有帮助, 但是也会有一些问题。 我仔细想一想, 不知道如何是好, 一方面怕自己月子里面对付不了, 因为我LG工作比较忙, 另一方面担心父母过来不太适应这里的生活,反而会产生一些摩擦。不知道在这里请人照顾月子好不好请? 请过来人谈谈想法和经验好吗?
    • 在加拿大还有坐月子一说吗?我只知道她们一般三天就出去买菜了。
    • 自己带的,2个了,没有月子,也没事。可以找人帮忙做做饭,收拾收拾家等。知道很多人都是自己带过来的,没那么可怕。
      • 请问您来加拿大多久了?在这已经生了两个小孩了?
    • Where are you, Tor or Van?
    • 你现在还在工作吗?还是在家养胎?
    • I agree with your opinion. I did it myself. My husband took a few days off. But I did stay in bed for almost a month. As there are no diapers to wash,
      I don't think it's neccessary to get extra help (which means extra trouble).
      • 一个月的时间,谁烧饭啊?这段时间你可以见凉水吗?
        • Forgot who cooked more meals (the simplest kind), my husband or myself. I didn't touch cold water.
          Why use cold water when you can use warm or hot water? I took a shower everyday, though my mother told me I could not even wash my hair in the first month (who can stand that).
        • I lay in bed most of the time, but could not help getting up for some excises everyday. The same with my friends who had baby in China. Following is the care I got from the hospital after labor:
          1 The nurse told me I could take a shower about 5 minutes after the baby was born. I did not, of course.
          2 When I asked for a cup of water, the nurse gave me a cup of cold water with ice. I had to go thirsty.
          3 The second time, I asked for a cup of hot water, the nurse seemed surprised and filled the cup with hot tap water, which I always think undrinkable.

          So I requested to go home the next morning.