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  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 今天看了一辆二手车,请大家帮忙提提建议。95 Civic EX, 天窗,ABS, CD, 147KM, First owner,外观挺好的。可就是有一点,噪音大了一些,特别是踩油门的时候,声音比较大。
    • 你肯定是1.6吗? 我觉的好象是1.5,小气缸的旧车都这样,我有一辆这种车想卖,也想知道一下价格.
    • it is not a problem. noise is normal for small engines like 1.6 Ltr. Price? it depends on how much you appreciate it.
      For me, 4000 bucks is probably the most I want to pay for it, because I appreciate a car by its power, enjoyment and appearance which a Civic doesn't have. For many others, 8000 bucks is still reasonable, because they appreciate many other features that are negelated by me.
    • Thanks. 车主要9000元,这么说就太贵了一点。有一点我很疑惑,听说civic是这里很多年轻人的首选,而年轻人开车一般比较冲,如果它的提速能力不是那么好,为什么还要选择它呢?
      • 开起来,抓地的感觉比较好。
      • 我来瞎说
        提速能力不差,好过大马力的福特,差的是动力感觉.福特为例,起步些许尤豫,但是随着速度的提升动力输出源源不断,后劲足. 可能因为变速箱齿轮比的设计, CIVIC的起动更加敏捷,在小街湾道上变换速度随心所欲,直路赛车她只在起始阶段有优势.过了60就是大马力的天下.这只是我家里几辆车开出的感觉啦.瞎说的.
      • "听说civic是这里很多年轻人的首选" should be " civic是这里很多Chinese年轻人的首选"
        • Young Asian's first choice
      • 9000 is too much for a 7 year old civic, 5000 maybe more reasonable.
        • You must consider the millage and condition of the car to decide the price.
      • my accord 93 ex 170000 CAD7000 after tax. i think your car seems a little expensive
    • 我认为8000加元左右比较合理。
    • 谢谢大家的意见。不知道有没有加拿大的二手汽车估价网站。我只找到几个美国的估价网站,但听说加拿大买旧车要比美国便宜一些。
      • if the car with good condition, no more than 7000 is a good deal.
    • 刚才车主打电话给我,说换了排气管,车的声音没有了。所以我可能会买这辆车了。这是辆两门车,两门车用起来会有什么不方便吗?
      • 两门的很爽,因为门大。而且HATCH BACK的很能装东西
      • 两门车最不方便的地方是由于外形好看, 愿意坐阁下车兜风的小姐偏多,从而导致某些个别人不开心。
      • 如果不用载很多人的话,没什么不方便的,后面能放好多东西,只是比同档次的四门车的保险费要稍微高一些。
      • everybody complained when they had to take the rear seat of my car, hoho. but when u drive a two-door-car, it's really a kind of enjoying of life.
      • if the owner called u about the, i think u can get a lower price. think about it. BTW: try to call some dealers about such kind of civic, u may know the market price.
        sometimes, the asking price is higher than the final price including the tax if u buy the car.
        • 谢谢大家。不过卖主坚持要9000元,她说换了排气管后,这辆车什么毛病没有,不肯降价。我也是看车看烦了,想差不多就买了吧。Thanks!
          • u'd better make sure where the noise is from! engine or 排气管 muffler? and 排气管 is just about two or three hundred bucks.
            if u like it and it is really in good conditions, then buy it. don't buy it just for u are tired of seeking another car.
          • once a guy wanna sell his 94 MAZDA MX-6 to me at the price $12000 and he said it's the final price ...
            i told him that one of my friends bought another MX-6 at the price $9000... He just insisted on his price. so i told him i gave up. then two weeks later, he mailed me and asked for just $9000. at that time, i've bought another one from a dealer. so i told him one of my friends wanna buy it. my friend's budget is just $8000, after they bargained for the price, that guy decided to sell it at $8000.....

            just be patient, u will find a car belong to u.

            good luck
          • you are lemon! I can use 9000 buy 1994 camry!