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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 看了百灵鸟的遭遇真的有点怕怕,但还是忍不住想说出来
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛现在有一个机会,从一个工作的老外朋友那得知的,我不太适合,但可能对其他朋友有帮助,如果你真的觉得你合格而且感兴趣,请尽快EMAIL和我联系,细节我不太清楚,而且我没有任何好处可拿,放心:P

    Hi Folks.

    Consider this the official notice of the launch of Anzini Solutions.

    Check out our new website - www.anzini.com

    The good news is that business is booming....the bad news is that I
    can’t find enough contractors to hire! (a nice problem to have most of
    the time). So if you know anyone who is interested/available/looking
    for contract jobs, please let me know and put them in touch with me.
    I’ve got short-term and long term contract jobs available.

    Most of our business to date has been of a technical nature (web design,
    database design, training, etc) so here are some of the key skills I’m
    looking for:

    Active Server Pages, Java Script, C+, SQL, Flash Macromedia, Windows
    2000 and XP, XML, iHTML, CGI scripting and Cold Fusion.

    I’m looking for people who have some experience as web developers,
    network architects and database programmers.

    I encourage you to visit our site and provide me with some feedback as
    well if you have the chance.

    I hope everyone is doing well and if you hear of anyone who is looking
    for some consulting work to be done, I’d appreciate any business you
    could send my way.

    Talk to you all soon!

    Franco更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 我的EMAIL:tedxmyue@netzero.net
    • 听到兔子会反刍的谣言,难道还不种白菜了。该怎么干就怎么干,是不是适合Sailor?那斑竹也别太要求对口了,有的东西需要在工作中提高嘛。
      • 我也觉得这人要求的有些技术太新了
      • 小金哪,应当是听拉拉咕叫,还不种地啦。
    • 有一部分人,或是说话太偏激,或是说话不经过大脑,或是葫芦绞茄子、茄子绞葫芦----胡搅蛮缠,或是人面兽心(某位寻妻者)。但是有一拨我等中流砥柱,大可不理他们。希望象百灵鸟、Ted、金字塔等热心人越来越多。
      • 对,我们起码还有‘中流胖胖猴‘,哈哈。
        • hahaha...
      • 好象是在夸我们,多谢多谢。其实,多一个朋友找到工作真的是件值得高兴的事,虽然我还在继续努力。
      • 人面兽心, Is it me?
        • 还好,还好,您是兽面人心。
          • 猪不是兽,是宠物。
            • Help me out here, my understanding is that the concept of Filial Piety comes from Confucianism, but what is it exactly, I mean, I know what it is but what's the word I am looking for?
              • 英语太臭,都不知道你在问什么。你是说孝道吗?
                • 孝道, if it's not too much trouble, give me your insight on this concept, I know the generic explanations, I would like to know more. Where are you going to live?
                  • 万恶淫为首,万善孝为先。
                    • 本猪认为我的脾气好了不少, 偶然讽刺一下一些想当然的无知就算了, 我也是好意, Anywho, I do recommand The Royal Canadian Air Farce, CBC 8pm every friday, the only and best political satire show on tv these days
                      With the way the canadian dollar is going, all american toilet papers can be replaced by a stack of $100 canadian dollar bill,
                  • Take a look at this one.
              • Yes,the Filial Piety comes from Confucianism. In Chinese, It is "san1 chong2 si4 de2". San1 chong2 means three rules as: (a wonan) should follow her father before getting married;
                follow her husband after getting married; follow her son if her husband die. (sorry I can not input Chinese)
                • You two are really killing me, me confused
                • 好象不是“三从四德”,金字塔说得对,是“孝道”。
    • 俺公司里也招人,还招好几个呢。不过看了Ted的帖子,就犹豫了。因为介绍了,俺是有好处的,公司里给$1000。Ted的帖子可是反复强调不能拿好处的,俺别最后落下个人面兽心。
      • 呵呵,我特意强调一下没有好处是因为确实没有,如果有,这也是好事呀,是双赢嘛,所以如果有职位空缺不必犹豫啊,给大家介绍介绍嘛,现在市场真的太疲软了,这可是好事情,我建议你最好再加个附加条件,成的人请你吃饭 :-)
      • 给俺介绍介绍呗,俺懂点C++。谢先
        • 胡狼兄也别太谦虚,你这么多年的C++开发经验,岂是这句话能抹杀的?
      • Hi, can you recommend me? I am MS technology expert, MCSD, MCDBA, and know oracle, Lotus Notes, Linux very well, Thans!
      • 推荐人拿钱是很正常的事,要是推荐我我个人都愿意给你好处,如果你不好意思,我请你吃饭也行啊。怎么样?认真的。Objective: Oracle DBA or Developer (PL/SQL, Power Builder)。rejoice999@yahoo.com
      • 对不起,明天到公司里才能贴,position都在内部网上,在家里看不到。另外明天有Job Fair, 别忘了去试试。
        Telecommunications Career Expo

        6-Nov-01 to 7-Nov-01 ()

        Metro Convention Centre, Toronto, ON, Canada

        The Globe and Mail and Workopolis host Canada's all inclusive telecommunications + technology job fair. This job fair reaches the entire Canadian Telecommunications and Technology Industry.
        A Wireless and Telecommunications Career Expo event targeting all types of telecom professionals from across Canada. They will be targeting exclusively Engineering, Manufacturing,IT/IS and Software professionals with backgrounds in telecommunications, broadband wireless, electronic commerce, internet, fiber optics, switching systems, ASDL, wireless and other related fields. The attendees at the trade show will be senior executives and engineers from the companies across Canada.

        for more info, please visit: http://www.newspaperjobfairs.com
        • JOB FAIR今天去了,只有3家。RIM、GOVERNMENT OF CANADA和军队。每一家还要排很长的队。去不去意义不大。
    • do you have his email or tel.?
      • I have only my friend’s phone number and email address, but I am afraid I cannot publish them here. What I can do is to pass the resumes I think they are qualified to my friend.