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  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 本人的车被撞,MONNEX 说修车费得我先垫付?
    各给大侠, 本人车被别人撞, MONNEX 说先让我出钱修车, 然后他们再跟撞我车的对方的保险公司交涉, 其实车只是刮破了点皮,问题不大, 但撞我车的加拿大老太太不承认是她造成的划伤,气不过就想让老太太赔, 但MONNEX 说我必须先修车然后他们才能跟对方的保险公司交涉,至于如果不是我的责任就把修车费返给我, 否则我就得自己付.哪位有这方面的经验?回个话,谢了先.
    • Monnex is cheap but the service is not good. i got a friend who paid the
      repairing cost first, and finally got back from Monnex after months. other companies will pay the cost for you at the beginning, you just inform them where you repair the car the the insurance company will handle for you.